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Essay on biodiversity

Essay on biodiversity

Essay on the Conservation of Biodiversity! Many animals depend on the other species to balance its diet and to maintain a healthier life. Biodiversity is a term used to refer the different forms of life on the Earth. Your comments and suggestions will serve as an inspiration and learning platform for me. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet, essay on biodiversity. Apart from this, there is scientific importance of essay on biodiversity biodiversity as well.

Short and Long Essay on Biodiversity

The biological wealth of the earth is the result of biodiversity development of about million years. The continued loss of this biological wealth poses a grave threat to the survival of man. Biodiversity degradation is a matter of concern in the countries of the world, essay on biodiversity. The countries of Asia, Central America, South America and Africa are rich in biodiversity where species of plants essay on biodiversity animals of all kinds are found. The irony is that illiteracy, povertylack of scientific development, population explosion etc. are the reasons which are responsible for the biodiversity degradation in these countries. No one knows accurately that how many species are there in the world, but according to an estimate, their number is between 3 million to 10 million.

However, many species are still to be essay on biodiversity. The main species identified arespecies of insects,plants,animals, 68, fungi, 30, protists, 26, algae, 4, bacteria and 1, viruses. About 27, species are going extinct every year due to the decay of ecosystems. Most of these are tropical small creatures. Order custom essay Essay on Loss of Biodiversity with free plagiarism report. Long and Short essay on Loss of Biodiversity is given here under in different word limits for the convenience of students and scholars. These Loss of Biodiversity essays will enhance the knowledge of the learners about biodiversity and the man made reasons for its depletion.

You will essay on biodiversity in these Loss of Biodiversity essay that how many species of flora and fauna are extinct and how many are listed in endangered category. These Essays on Loss of Biodiversity will be proved useful and helpful for school going children when they have stipulated the task of writing on biodiversity. The essay on biodiversity used here is very simple and convincible for the reach of every reader. You can also feel confident on this topic in discussion and debate along with competitive examinations. The depletion of biological resources on earth is known as biodiversity degradation. The constant loss of this biological wealth has posed a serious threat to essay on biodiversity existence of human.

Biodiversity degradation is a matter of concern in developing countries of the world. The countries of Asia, Central America, South America and Africa are rich in biodiversity where species of plants and animals are found. The irony is that illiteracy, essay on biodiversity, poverty, lack of scientific development, population explosion etc. Nearly half of the essay on biodiversity water corals have been destroyed in the last 30 years. In spite essay on biodiversity many laws at present, illegal trade or hunting of millions of foreign and wild birds and wildlife and their sale is done. Along with climate changebiodiversity should also be considered as an equally important issue. The decline in biodiversity is not only an environmental issue, but it is also an economic, protective and moral issue.

The biggest challenge and opportunity is related to the change in attitude towards development. Therefore, to save nature, all countries need to come on one platform for a global deal. Extinction is an inexhaustible part of the nature, for example dinosaurs are extinct beings. But their end was due to the process of natural development in which more successful species replaced the less successful species. There have been five periods of mass extinctions on Earth; these happened in 4, lakh, 3, lakh, 2, lakh, 2, lakh and lakh years ago. These were natural processes. Today, the activities of man contribute to the extinctions. This reduction is a threat to the future in terms of biodiversity as new species in the process of development are much slower than the current rate essay on biodiversity extinction.

It is an uneven race for growth and extinction. It is estimated that the number of present-day organisms is one percent of the total number of living organisms on Earth today. In other words, 99 percent of life on earth has ended by ending its migration journey. Their farewells are attributed to meteorite collisions or changes in climate such as the ice age, essay on biodiversity. Today we are in the sixth period of extinction where extinction is happening due to human activities. They extend over 7 percent of the total geographical land essay on biodiversity the Earth. Since most of the rain forests are found in the developing countries of the world, population explosion is the main reason for the destruction of these forests.

If conservation is not adopted on time, 90 percent of these habitats will be destroyed very soon, resulting in the loss of 15, to 50, species per year. Mahatma Gandhi once told that the earth has everything for the need of the people but not for their greed. Human activities have done a lot of damage to the nature. Many species of flora and fauna have disappeared or on the verge of extinction. So there is a need to conserve it from further loss. Biodiversity conservation refers to the management of biological resources so that quality is maintained along with their widespread use. Biodiversity Conservation The World Conservation Strategy has given the following suggestions for biodiversity conservation:. There is a need to implement a time-bound program to save species of plants and animals and their habitat so that biodiversity conservation can be promoted.

Therefore, the action essay on biodiversity of conservation must necessarily essay on biodiversity in the following direction:. Biodiversity not only fulfills the needs of our food, clothes, fuel, wood, medicines etc. but it also helps to maintain ecological balance and increase food production. Ultimately it can be said that biodiversity is the natural property of nature, so destroying biodiversity is destroying nature. Therefore, to save the nature from destruction, biodiversity conservation is the biggest need of the time. Species damage essay on biodiversity a serious cause of concern for human existence.

It has been observed that 79 species of mammals, 44 species of birds, 15 species of reptiles and 3 species of amphibians are endangered. Causes of Existential Threat or Damage There may be the following three causes of existential threat or damage:. Out of these, habitat destruction and over exploitation are the main reasons but there essay on biodiversity a lot of other factors that also leaves their impact on the biodiversity. Destruction of Habitats: Deforestation and forest fires, wet-lands stuffing and drainage of water, use of natural areas for agriculture or industry, human settlements, mining, construction and other developmental projects are the cause of habitat destruction.

In this way the natural habitats of the organisms have been changed or destroyed. Due to these changes, essay on biodiversity, the species either die or killed, essay on biodiversity. In addition to the direct damage of the species during development related activities, the new environment is unsuitable for the survival of the species. Over-exploitation reduces the population size of the species and forces them to go extinct. Penetration of Foreign Species: Dispersal of seeds is done by nature essay on biodiversity certain animals.

When these species reach new places, they breed very fast due to lack of enemies there and often eliminate the native species which are already present here. Some examples are:. Pollution: Forests are destroyed due to air pollution and acid rain. Fish and other aquatic plants and animals die due to water pollution. Toxic and hazardous substances are discharged into the waterways, thus destroying aquatic life, essay on biodiversity. Coastal birds, plants and other marine animals die due to oil spills in the sea. Wildlife gets trapped in plastic waste.

It can be easily seen that pollution is a big threat to biodiversity. Population Growth and Poverty: More than six billion people live on Earth. All these people rely on natural resources to meet their basic requirements of shelter, food, clothes, essay on biodiversity, water and medicines. These scarcely available resources are exploited by affluent people, out of need or out of greed, further damaging biodiversity. There are many other reasons too which are increasing the rate of the loss in biodiversity but the activities of human being are much responsible for this loss. Human have to make certain efforts to decrease in pollution essay on biodiversity that the Earth would become safe from the danger of extinction of the species and can survive and prosper well.

Biological diversity is a dynamic concept. It varies with time and place. If a species disappears completely from the earth and no other animal is found, then it is said to be extinction of that living species. The studies reveal that due to human interference the species of flora and fauna are getting depleted. Around 60, species of plants and 2, species of animals are on the verge of extinction all essay on biodiversity the world. Although most of these species are of plants, some species are also of animals. Reasons for the Loss of Biodiversity The following are the reasons for the decline of biological diversity:.

Other Reasons In addition to the above reasons, biodiversity degradation is also caused by:. The axis of development essay on biodiversity human civilization is biodiversity under threat mainly due to habitat destruction, habitat fragmentation, environmental pollution, invasion of flora of foreign origin, over exploitation, wildlife hunting, deforestation, overgrazing, disease etc. Therefore, essay on biodiversity, conservation of biodiversity is the greatest need of the times today for ecological balance, to meet the various needs of human beings and to get rid of natural disasters such as floods, droughts, landslides etc.

This means that at present we are facing the crisis of biodiversity depletion; its conservation should be on priority basis, essay on biodiversity. In order to balance the biological diversity, it becomes mandatory to solve the above problems. on Essay on Loss of Biodiversity. The loss of biodiversity has two significant impacts on human health and the spread of disease. First, essay on biodiversity, it increases the number of disease carrying animals in local populations. Research has shown that the species best adapted to survive critically fragmented habitats are also the most prolific carriers of pathogens. What Is a Reason for the Decline in Biodiversity? Numerous animal, invertebrate and plant species are extinct, or threatened, because of human exploitation. Pollution and Global Warming.

Loss of Ecosystem Resilience. Policy Problems.

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It includes all the living species and organisms over an area. Biodiversity at a place produces many products with a good amount of value to humans. Different fruits, herbs and other products are used and sold by humans to sustain a living. It also contains several natural resources like water etc, which is very significant for animals and humans to sustain a living. Biodiversity of a place provides bread and butter to a number of people. People like farmers and small traders are closely related to the biodiversity, they produce and trade the products offered by the biodiversity, to sustain their living.

If the biodiversity of a place is disturbed so will be the ecology as all the species are interdependent. If a single species gets extinct for some reason, it is bound to make an impact on others. Biodiversity is the heart of the planet and must be preserved as it is. Without biodiversity, there would be no life and almost all the species will extinct. Also it provides so many useful resources, necessary for survival. It is our utmost duty to preserve the biodiversity to ensure a safe future of the planet and its species. Biodiversity refers to all the diverse life forms that exist on the planet. For example, biodiversity is found more in tropical areas than in other parts of the earth. Genetic diversity consists of all the various genes in all the animals, reptiles, plants, fungi, etc of the same species.

Some of the importance of genetic diversity is species evolution, adaptive to changes in environmental conditions, good for agriculture productivity. Species diversity accounts for the number of species over a specified area. Ecosystem diversity pertains to the diversity that exists between different ecosystems, habitats, and biological communities. Biodiversity is threatened by habitat destruction, exploitation of resources, pollution, etc. It is therefore imperative that its conservation must begin with removing these obstacles. Biodiversity can only flourish if unnecessary and rampant destruction of forests is stopped; if people use the available resources sensibly; if pollution has been dealt with stern resolve.

Biodiversity is very essential for the existence of the ecological balance and its entire species. It is very important that it must be preserved at all costs with complete effort. Biodiversity, as the name indicates is the variety of life and species that exists on planet. All the species of plants, animals, reptiles, insects, aquatic life, etc, constitute the biodiversity of a particular place. Each and every species found on the planet is important for the ecological balance of the planet. Every living species along with humans depend on each other.

If one species disappears or becomes extinct it affects the others as well. For example, birds play a vital role in preserving biodiversity. They feed on fruits, thereby resulting in scattering of seeds over the ground. This results in the growth of new plants and the cycle continues. If the birds become extinct, the number of new plants germinating would be considerably less; therefore, affecting the biodiversity of the place. Also, humans also depend on biodiversity for their food supply, up to a large extent. Food, crop, fruits, underground water, etc all are the gifts of biodiversity to the human race. If the biodiversity is damaged then we will be left with no food and the planet will become lifeless and unlivable.

The biodiversity today is threatened by several human activities. Some of the threats to biodiversity are listed below-. Encroachment into a forested area includes civil constructions of mammoth proportions for commercial purposes. Construction of buildings, houses, factories, etc, permanently destroys the biodiversity of the place. Agricultural activities are another big threat to biodiversity. Agriculture industry is the fastest growing industry as the continuous rise in populations pushes the demand for food production. This, in turn, leads to encroachment of forests. The desired area is cleared for agriculture activities; therefore, resulting in loss of biodiversity. Construction of roads and railway lines through a forest area is very common and also one of the prime reasons for the loss of biodiversity.

Some examples are:. Pollution: Forests are destroyed due to air pollution and acid rain. Fish and other aquatic plants and animals die due to water pollution. Toxic and hazardous substances are discharged into the waterways, thus destroying aquatic life. Coastal birds, plants and other marine animals die due to oil spills in the sea. Wildlife gets trapped in plastic waste. It can be easily seen that pollution is a big threat to biodiversity. Population Growth and Poverty: More than six billion people live on Earth. All these people rely on natural resources to meet their basic requirements of shelter, food, clothes, water and medicines.

These scarcely available resources are exploited by affluent people, out of need or out of greed, further damaging biodiversity. There are many other reasons too which are increasing the rate of the loss in biodiversity but the activities of human being are much responsible for this loss. Human have to make certain efforts to decrease in pollution so that the Earth would become safe from the danger of extinction of the species and can survive and prosper well. Biological diversity is a dynamic concept. It varies with time and place. If a species disappears completely from the earth and no other animal is found, then it is said to be extinction of that living species. The studies reveal that due to human interference the species of flora and fauna are getting depleted.

Around 60, species of plants and 2, species of animals are on the verge of extinction all over the world. Although most of these species are of plants, some species are also of animals. Reasons for the Loss of Biodiversity The following are the reasons for the decline of biological diversity:. Other Reasons In addition to the above reasons, biodiversity degradation is also caused by:. The axis of development of human civilization is biodiversity under threat mainly due to habitat destruction, habitat fragmentation, environmental pollution, invasion of flora of foreign origin, over exploitation, wildlife hunting, deforestation, overgrazing, disease etc. Therefore, conservation of biodiversity is the greatest need of the times today for ecological balance, to meet the various needs of human beings and to get rid of natural disasters such as floods, droughts, landslides etc.

This means that at present we are facing the crisis of biodiversity depletion; its conservation should be on priority basis. In order to balance the biological diversity, it becomes mandatory to solve the above problems. on Essay on Loss of Biodiversity. The loss of biodiversity has two significant impacts on human health and the spread of disease. First, it increases the number of disease carrying animals in local populations. Research has shown that the species best adapted to survive critically fragmented habitats are also the most prolific carriers of pathogens. What Is a Reason for the Decline in Biodiversity? Numerous animal, invertebrate and plant species are extinct, or threatened, because of human exploitation.

Pollution and Global Warming. Loss of Ecosystem Resilience. Policy Problems. The primary cause of loss of biodiversity is the habitat destruction which from the expansion of human population and human activities. Habitats which protect wildlife are being converted to human settlements harbours, dams, reservoirs, croplands, grazing grounds and plantation. This essay was written by a fellow student. You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it. Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life. Essay on Loss of Biodiversity. Free Essays - PhDessay. com, Aug 10, Accessed January 7, com , Aug Among the soil fauna, earthworms have an important role to improve soil texture.

The soil texture plays an important role in water holding capacity. Earthworms have an ability to enhance. Biodiversity Profile of India Dr. Sabir Hussain Associate Professor Geography and Major Biomes India occupies 7th position in the world in terms of size and Asia's second largest nation. Introduction a. Over the past two decades, strong scientific evidence has emerged showing that loss of the world's biological diversity reduces the productivity and sustainability of natural ecosystems and. Proper utilization and management of nature and its resources is termed as conservation. International Union for conservation of Natural and Natural Resources IUCN define conservation as rational use of environment.

In today's world people should be more concern about saving every specious of plant and animal. Every plant or animal species including man plays important role in the life cycle. The Caucasus: The Caucasus hotspot, historically interpreted as the area of land between the Black and Caspian seas, covers a total area of , km. Located at a biological crossroads,. Out of the 18 Biodiversity hot-spots in the world, India. In centripetal loss touch. hearing this can hold a negative impact to an person like for illustration in mobility an single can see hapless mobility. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. PhD Essay Biology Biodiversity Essay on Loss of Biodiversity. Table of contents. Order original essay sample specially for your assignment needs.

get custom essay. Earthworm Biodiversity in an Arid Region of Rajasthan, India. Essay type Research. Biodiversity Profile of India. Biodiversity Outline. Biodiversity and Wild Life. The Caucasus, Madagascar and Caribbean Islands: Biodiversity Hotspots.

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