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Motivation theories essays

Motivation theories essays

On the… References Baker, Michael J. Hygiene factors, when present, show no… Works Cited Bolm, J. Create Flashcards. For motivation theories essays, the discussions relating to the stress, the pressure and the social tensions existing today have helped…. Taylor considers that the motivational force to which workers react includes only the economic incentives. Motivation theories. define and describe the term "motivation.

Taylor’s Theory of Motivation

Motivation Theories and Emotions Motivation Theory Fear Extrinsic Motivation The theory of intrinsic and extrinsic motives helps explain the presence of fear in motivation. An activity is intrinsically motivating if a person does it voluntarily, without receiving payment or other type of reward. An activity is extrinsically motivated if it is performed primarily for external reinforcement such as food or money. Extrinsic motivation is based on the emotions of desire and fear. First, there is a desire for the object of external reinforcement in return for a certain performance. Later, there is a fear of the loss of that object of external reinforcement if the performance is not adequate. This fear can either motivate the person to expend more effort or it can cause the person to be indecisive and catatonic.

Frustration Flow Flow is a psychological state coined by positive psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Flow is a state of elevated…. Bibliography Csikszentmihalyi, motivation theories essays, M. A deficit, a lack of something, contributes to a motive. Motives vary in amount and type. Motives evolve from needs: "States of tension within a person, and as need is satisfied, tension is reduced "Henry Murray's Theory… N. Henry Murray identified the following "big three motives": Need for Achievement Need for Power Need for Intimacy "Henry Murray's Theory… N. Herzberg Ikwukananne I. WORKS CITED Aggarwal, Deepak, Suneeta Singh, and Ashis K. Shri Ram Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources.

HighBeam Research. In the past, management has motivation theories essays attempted to motivate performance in a manner that is most closely described by Herzberg's Two-Factor Hygiene Theory because high volume is rewarded with bonuses, praise, and advancement opportunity while lower performance is not punished except through the motivation theories essays of rewards. Management seems to believe that this approach allows the most talented and self-motivated employees to thrive. Generally, that has resulted in a situation where some employees are much more driven than others and some employees approach their positions and nothing more than a source of steady work and paychecks, motivation theories essays.

Implications of Applying Two Alternative Motivational Theories elying on certain other motivation theories might not necessarily be beneficial in this environment as relying on others. References: Daft, R. Management 7th Edition. Motivation theories essays Thomson South Western. George, motivation theories essays, J. Understanding and Managing Organizational Behavior. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Robbins, S. Organizational Behavior. Upper Saddle River, NJ:. Guarding against stasis while allowing employees to have a sense of control and mastery are some of the important lessons to be learned from these theories. Still other theories of motivation allow for individual differences in what does or does not motivate the subject: Attribution theory's advocates classify individuals into three general categories: achievers who desire personal recognition, affiliation seekers who value relationships, motivation theories essays, and power seekers who desire control Straker,Acquired needs theory.

Each type requires a different motivational strategy on the part of the supervisor to ensure the employee functions at an optimal level. eferences Huitt, W. Motivation to learn: An overview. Educational Psychology Interactive. Valdosta, GA: Valdosta State University. html Straker, David. Acquired needs theory. Changing minds. htm Straker, David. Motivation theory. References Huitt, W. ELEVANCE OF MASLOW'S HIEACHY OF NEEDS Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Contemporary elevance of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Maslow's hierarchy of needs has represented a theoretical touchstone within the field of organizational management for decades.

However, research since this theory was first authored in has found this model increasingly insufficient in light of what has been learned about human behavior. To better define the strengths and weaknesses of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, this report examines recent research into the ability of this model to predict employee behavior. Based on this analysis, Maslow's model of human motivation needs to be updated to reflect the ability of workers to seek fulfillment of needs largely independent of where they motivation theories essays ordered within the hierarchy.

In addition, the influential role of the work and community environment on which needs are most attended to, should also be emphasized more. These conclusions represent more an elaboration…. References Eggerth, Donald E. And Flynn, Michael A. Applying the Theory of Work Adjustment to Latino immigrant workers: An exploratory study. Journal of Career Development, 39 1 Kaklauskas, A. et al. Recommended Biometric Stress Management System. Expert Systems with Applications, 38, Kenrick, Douglas T. Renovating the pyramid of needs: Contemporary extensions built upon ancient foundations. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 5 3motivation theories essays, Rego, Armenio, Cunha, Miguel Pina E. Eupsychia motivation theories essays The role of spiritual leaders.

Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 48 2 Workplace Motivation Theories: In the early s, the study of motivation was not considered as a reputable pursuit since it was dominated by behaviorists. These behaviorists argued that motivation is brought by external factors that act as either re-inforcers or punishers. Internal factors resulting in individual motivation were basically regarded as physiological by non-behaviorists. However, in the past few decades, workplace motivation has developed to become a significant topic to motivation theories essays extent that it has been examined by various psychologists and other professionals.

These efforts have contributed to the development of theories that act as mechanisms for predicting, describing, and impacting employee motivation. In attempts to explain workplace motivation, these theories focus on cognition, employee needs, and the specific job characteristics. The various workplace motivation theories have been developed to explain job motivation across various job arenas, motivation theories essays. Goal Setting Theory and Social Cognitive Theory: Some of the major examples of…. Reference: Latham, G. Workplace motivation: history, theory, research, and practice 1st ed, motivation theories essays. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications, Inc.

Motivation, Stress, And Communication Ford motor is a global company dealing with the manufacture of vehicles. For the company to run smoothly and efficiently, its operations are divided into several department headed by several departmental managers, motivation theories essays. One of the departments am in charge is the Supply Chain Systems Sales department a position I filled as the head of department. A Supply Chain System Sales Operations Manager is in charge of two broad roles. One of roles concerns supplies while the other deals with sales of their locomotives. Motivation theories essays two roles are interlinked in a way that the person in charge must ensures that their sales offices are supplied by their products vehicles for sales and shipping of new vehicles to other customers or to their sales offices in countries ford motors has no factory.

Sales are an interactive kind…. References Champoux, J. Organizational Behavior: Integrating Individuals, Groups, motivation theories essays, and Organizations: Taylor and Francis. Locke, E. Building a motivation theories essays useful theory of goal setting and task motivation: A year odyssey. American Psychologist, 57, Oldham, G. Not what it was and not what it will be: The future of job design research. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 31, The vertical differentiations are associated with the components of abstraction that permit individuals to determine both their intentions and their behaviors. The horizontal differentiation is associated with different intentions including the completion of the project.

Tubbs and Eckeberg assert that understanding the intentional model motivation theories essays implications associated with understanding the effects of goal setting. The authors argue that the intentional behavior model explains the cognitive effects of goals which is rarely seen in research pertaining to work motivation. The authors posit that the research is important because it is the first time that research has sought to determine the impact that goals have on people. Finally Latham and Pinder discuss Work Motivation Theory and research at the dawn of the twenty-first century. The author point out that interest in motivational theories has not waned since they first begin to surface. According to the authors, work motivation represents a…. References Klein J.

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This website uses cookies in order to provide you the most relevant information. Please accept cookies for better performance. Read more ». Motivation is a multi-sided phenomenon used in various social sciences. An important role in the study of motivation belongs to world-renowned scientists. Their experience in the development of motivation covers its evolution from the category of impact per capita to the main function of management. The motivation of personnel is one of work performance improvement methods. The motivation of personnel is the key direction of the HR policy of any enterprise. According to Ganta , the results of work of the employees are determined by the KPI Key Performance Indicators. The KPI and motivation of personnel allow improving the efficiency and performance of a company significantly Ganta Most of the theorists of motivational systems believe that only the motivation by pay is a perfect system as it proves the payments of remunerations to the business.

Moreover, motivation gives a chance to receive and increase the income accurately dependant on made efforts Dobre Thus, Ganta states that employers should get to know their employees and choose the best tactics of motivation:. Employee motivation has always been a central problem for leaders and managers. Employees who feel motivated to work are likely to be persistent, creative and productive, turning out high quality work that they willingly undertake. Employers need to get to know their employees very well and use different tactics to motivate each of them based on their personal wants and needs Ganta, The motivation theories of Frederick Taylor and Viktor Vroom are among the main theories of personnel motivation and pay.

Frederick Taylor is the author of the scientific management theory. It covers the motivational basics only from the point of view of economic rationality Fadia Taylor considers that the motivational force to which workers react includes only the economic incentives. Without being either a psychologist or sociologist, Taylor, relying on economic coercion, considered that the action of a human factor from the perspective of performance indicators increased. The basic rule of his work is to address the individual worker.

The economist rejected all forms of collective stimulation. Taylor singled out at least three reasons of low labour performance. They include the class solidarity — the workers were sure that they reduce the number of workplaces reducing the payment rates for the workers; the natural tendency of a person to work slowly and the low level of professional training; a lack of exact instructions about the most effective methods of work. According to Taylor, the major purpose of rational job management was the profit maximization of the employer in combination with the growth in the prosperity of workers. It was necessary to create such conditions under which the worker would be interested in quicker and more qualitative work.

The studying and classification of all actions and transactions carried out by employees, the careful selection of workers and training by the best mentors, the financial incentive of the speed and accuracy of work, and the cooperation of workers and administration compose the basic principles of the scientific job management, as formulated by Taylor. Save your time for something pleasant! The lesson represents a certain daily task and a performance standard. Long term goals will include; graduating, being employable, obtaining my dream job and proving to myself and others that I can achieve anything that I set out to do. Short terms goals will include; improving the way I study, taking part in co-curricular activities, obtaining part-time work in order ease financial pressures, creating a study timetable and getting organised.

Whilst it can be extremely difficult to stay focused when there are outside distractions, I can alleviate this by thinking about ways to eliminate such distractions in advance and managing my time appropriately. As put by Rybak , p. Conclusion Overall, it is clear that the different theories of motivation do help to explain my intention to maximise the experience of being a student in a University. This is because motivation is a psychological attributes that enables me to achieve my desired goals and targets. This is because he higher needs will not be fully activated unless the lower needs have first been satisfied. The Incentive theory also signifies how I can stay motivated whilst at University by focusing on behaviours that offer positive as opposed to negative incentives.

Finally, the Intrinsic and Extrinsic theory allows me to focus on both internal and external motivations so that I can fully appreciate and achieve my objectives. References Bernstein, D. Essentials of psychology. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. Ferguson, J. Franzoi, S. Psychology: A discovery experience. Mason, OH: South-Western, Cengage Learning. Klesse, E. Pritchard, R. Rybak, J. The Guardian. Wilson, T, D. and Lassiter, G. Journal of personality and social psychology, 42 5. This essay was written by a fellow student. You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it. Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life.

Theories of Motivation. Free Essays - PhDessay. com, Feb 16, Accessed January 7, com , Feb In this survey, the research worker discoveries and collects theories about motive and attitudes from many beginnings such as libraries, text editions, alumnus research, theses, Thai and foreign web sites,. Concepts Definition The content and process theories of motivation provide human resource managers with the basic understanding of personal needs deficiencies, and how these needs can be transformed into motivated. In this assignment I will describe different theories of motivation that BMW and Volkswagen implement. Furthermore I will suggestion and recommend how motivation can be modified at BMW and Volkswagen.. When a lower need is fulfilled that an employee will be motivated to the next stage or need.

For instance, a person threatened by hunger will have a great motivation to achieve a basic wage to satisfy the need to eat by buying food. in this sense, the person will have less motivation towards getting a formal or secure employment. After the physiological needs are satisfied, attention now shifts towards safety. In a job environment, this could mean the workers are motivated to such things like living in a safe area, secure job and medical insurance as well as saving for the future. Social needs are third in the hierarchy. Esteem needs come after employees feeling the need to be recognized and build their reputation. At the peak of the hierarchy, Maslow describes that this is where people pursue the need to self -actualize.

The needs here are mostly related to truth, justice and meaning. In creative businesses, such as website design, businesses should strive towards giving incentives that meet the needs of the staff to motivate them to progress up the hierarchy. Besides, all workers progress up the hierarchy at different paces. When applying motivation theories in marketing, few changes are necessary. In the marketing of merchandise, high levels of motivation are required from the staff. A good salary package and attractive benefits attracted from the sales will be necessary in ensuring maximum productivity is reached. On the contrary, employees in creative fields require a serene working environment among other incentives to maximize on productivity.

Pleasure technique is one of the oldest. The tool ensures a pleasurable reward for productivity and in turn creates motivation in employees to become more productive, besides when employees feel that their efforts are being rewarded they will tend to produce more and more. In addition, setting deadlines will help achieve more as workers will tend to realize more productivity and are able to concentrate more when nearing a deadline. This can be achieved by creation of smaller deadlines that lead to a bigger result. It is important for managers to encourage team spirit and create an environment of teamwork. Encouraging creativity is very essential, as employees feel more comfortable within an optimistic environment.

The last tool for effective motivation is communication. Managers should uphold open channels of communication. This enables one to fix the problems as soon as they arise and it creates a better working environment. It is important for every business to take note of the theory to implement. Depending on its line of trade, various incentives may be given to employees to maximize production. Daft, R.

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