Depression can affect anyone, suicide prevention essay rich, poor, young, old, suicide prevention essay, race, or religion D Unlike other low-wage sectors, a broad-based, middle-class constituency for better wages and benefits potentially exists in the form of family members of nursing home residents. The escalation in suicide deaths is one of the most troubling disputes facing military leaders who want to condense the rates among active-duty service members. This dedication to user friendly designs created generations of loyal customers who have fully embraced the Apple brand and champion the Apple products. Consider the characteristics of offenders at risk for suicide.
We Must Work to Prevent Suicide
In fact, the Second Amendment is a crucial constitutional clause that protects the rights of citizens to rise up against the government in extreme political situations. The Second Amendment has been taken too far out of context. Cornell states, "Ironically, the Second Amendment, does not prohibit robust gun regulation, it compels it. Without government regulation there would suicide prevention essay been no Minuteman to muster on the town greens at Lexington and Concord. Unfortunately, gun control has become a staunch states' rights issue and does not allow for a sensible national consensus, suicide prevention essay. Suicide prevention essay push towards liberalized gun control promoted by powerful lobbying groups like the NRA reached a peak in the 20th century even though permissive carrying concealed suicide prevention essay laws have increased, rather than decreased, rates of crime….
State Elder Rights and Legal Assistance Development Program were also included in Title VII of the Act. Inthe phrase "assisted living facility" was added to the definition of "long-term care facility" Ombudsman Program Provisions in the Older Americans Act, All these provisions were aimed at better care for the elderly in the United States. It is an element that is stressed in all counselling work with families, whether these families include parents and children, suicide prevention essay, brothers and sisters, spouses, or other relationships. Communication is particularly vital where one of the parties have not yet had an experience that can help him or her relate to the other's experiences.
This is also true of the end-of-life experience. This experience is in everybody's future, so it is important to cultivate an understanding of how to handle the…. The subchapters tend to follow similar structures, with the punishment in each case being discussed at the very end. Chapter 10 refers to crimes against habitation, suicide prevention essay, notably criminal acts such as burglary or arson. The conditions for a criminal act of this nature to occur are discussed, as well as the different statutes that regulate the legal framework for each of these situations and the punishments applicable. Important restrictions apply in each cases, for example, the fact that an individual cannot, from a legal point-of-view, burglarize his own home. Chapter 11 deals with a particular form of crimes against property, namely those acquisitions offenses, crimes where there is a wrongful acquisition of property involved.
Most such criminal acts are categorized as theft. Larceny, embezzlement or robbery are just a few of the most representative forms of acquisition offenses. One of the interesting subchapters regards receiving stolen property, suicide prevention essay, with the mention…. A large number of these youth are not prepared to be independent, regardless of their maturity level; they do not have the skills and services in place to do so. Having to live on one's own maximizes the stresses and personal challenges and requires skills that are even difficult for those who have never been in foster care, suicide prevention essay.
Not only are these young adults moving to independence without positive support, they have rarely been given the safety net needed. Nor has it ever been clearly recognized and resolved that these youths are facing the trauma of losing a family twice in their short lives -- both times forcefully. This is a syndrome now given the term called "remourn," since so many foster youths experience this second loss of family suicide prevention essay and care. The Chafee Act is a start in the right direction, but it is not enough given the number…. Abstract This paper discusses the economic effect of COVID on healthcare. It shows that COVID had caused much damage in both the health and economic sectors. As of March 28,the disease had contributed to the loss suicide prevention essay 10 million jobs, and this data was for just two weeks, suicide prevention essay.
The damage that had happened before the two weeks was not captured in this duration. The economy's slow growth is already happening in the USA, with main economic activities being affected. Economy damage is occurring worldwide, with the health sector being the most hit. Financial markets that depend on other sectors, including health, are also losing huge profits daily. Initially, I did not have much knowledge about self-injurious behavior SIB, suicide prevention essay. Though I had from time to time heard about the behavior, it never actually crossed my mind that it is a behavior that could warrant significant medical attention. In my life, I have actually not encountered an individual with the behavior, suicide prevention essay.
I have not even heard many people mention or talk about it. I thought that people who would perhaps contemplate harming themselves are suicidal people, substance abusers, or insane people. In fact, suicide prevention essay, I thought the behavior was more relatable with non-human animals as opposed to humans. I did not even think the behavior was evident in children. I also viewed it as some…, suicide prevention essay. Huntington's disease HD was the first autonomic dominant disorder for which genetic prediction became possible" Harper, et al. HD is a disease that occurs due to an inherited disorder leading to the death of brain cells.
A diagnosis of HD is accomplished through genetic testing which can be implemented at any age regardless of whether the symptoms manifest or not. Although, the specific symptoms vary suicide prevention essay people, nevertheless, symptoms can start with people between 35 and 45 years of age and can also start in some individuals suicide prevention essay even anearlier age. The disease may affect successive generations if health interventions are not implemented Mandel, Additionally, "the cause of HD is due to a dominant mutation of autosomal form of the gene called Huntington. Festival Title: Break it Out! Festival Mission: Break it Out! is dance festival celebrating the LGBTQ community, and which encourages young people to be proud, strong, and confident.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, LGBTQ youth are suicide prevention essay as likely suicide prevention essay have attempted suicide than their heterosexual peers, and were far more likely to have experienced bullying, depression, substance suicide prevention essay, and negative attitudes towards schooling too, suicide prevention essay. Involvement with music and dance can change the lives of LGBTQ young people -- and their peers as well. This festival will help get all kids involved, using positive energy and creativity to generate a forward-thinking community that supports the ambitions and dreams of young people.
The dance festival will include workshops and performances by local and national organizations in a variety of styles, but will focus on hip-hop dancing, music, and art as a means to provide a high-energy engaging…. However, what we barely hear about is eating disorders yet it is a disease that affects several people each and every year. In the past quarter century, eating disorders have come to be a serious matter. Several individuals have been diagnosed with eating disorders. Age wise, more teenagers compared to the other age brackets suffer from eating disorders. The pervasiveness of disordered eating has come to be a very grave issue and is assessed to be much greater. One of the primary reasons why eating disorders are a rising cause of concern is their direct link to increased depression in the disordered eater, suicide prevention essay.
Statistics indicate that eating disorders which consist of illnesses such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder as well as eating disorders which are uncharacteristic are projected to take place in about five to…. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Children Post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD is most commonly associated with war veterans. Researchers have, however, increasingly recognized this condition in women, children, and men from all backgrounds and for a variety of reasons. According to Roberts et al. A common factor among sufferers of PTSD is persistence.
The individual persistently avoids stimuli he or she associates with the event, for example. There is also a tendency to re-experience the event persistently. There are also several health consequences associated with the condition. These include a tendency towards suicide, substance abuse, impaired functioning and general health problems Roberts et al. When it occurs in children, post-traumatic stress disorder can have significant long-term consequences on their development, suicide prevention essay. Several studies have investigated the demographic nature of…, suicide prevention essay. Cassandra: Case Study There is evidence that substance abuse and other mental disorders associated with substance abuse suicide prevention essay as anxiety and depression have strong genetic links.
In the case of Cassandra, her father and her brother both have had substance abuse issues. For example, "a NIDA-sponsored study of alcohol dependent patients treated with naltrexone found that patients with a specific variant in an opioid receptor gene, Asp40, had a significantly lower rate of relapse However, suicide prevention essay, the genetics of addiction are not like the genetics of sickle cell anemia, in which a single, targeted variation causes the illness. At best, there are certain genetic patterns which increase the tendency to develop certain addictions, in the presence of other social factors. Cultural influences, such as an environment where addiction is the norm rather than the exception can lead genetically….
history the American public has become shocked by the amount of violence that is occurring within its school system. Students have brought guns to school and used them to kill their classmates. Teachers have been attacked in the halls and administrators have been accosted as they went from the building to the car and back again. Violence in the American school system is becoming a common occurrence by previous standards and as the nation watches in shock the demand for solutions becomes almost deafening, suicide prevention essay. Several years ago when the attack occurred at Columbine the nation watched in horror while dead bodies of teens laid for days in the buildings and their parents were denied access to the carnage because of the ongoing investigation.
Another act of school suicide prevention essay occurred in Arkansas when two middle school students opened fire on their classmates who responded to a false fire alarm. Aside from…. violence in the public schools. Teen violence in general has become a major concern in America today. One of the reasons for the issue being so prevalent is the number of school shootings in the last few years, especially the shooting at Columbine High in Littleton, Colorado. While the welfare of young people is always of concern, much of the fear being generated at the present time is excessive. For one thing, teen violence is not the new phenomenon many people seem to think it is, and an analysis of our history shows that violence in the schools has always been a problem and that in fact it is diminished at the present time.
In truth, suicide prevention essay, though, any school violence is too much, and ways of eliminating it and protecting students in school must be found. Several "solutions" to the problem have been offered. One such recommendation is school uniforms,…. There are several different categories, including generalized anxiety, panic disorder, and phobias. While these all present themselves in different ways, they are similar in the problems they can cause in daily life. Theories of anxiety and the psychopathology related to feeling anxious include issues with biological, cognitive, and learning perspectives. The biological perspective addresses the receptors in the brain and how the chemicals there work with one another.
Cognitive theories deal more with the way people perceive issues, such as feeling as though they do not have control over something. Internet Gambling: Consumers, Industry, And Regulation Business Management Final Year Project Online gambling is a large and growing industry.
essay on the writing process
Cyber-Bullying Bullying may be a practice that has been around since the beginnings of human history, but with the increasing access that people have to technology a new medium is now used by aggressors. Cyber bullying is an act that involves using computers, cell phones and other sorts of media to consistently harass others. The object of the bullying, to cause physical or psychological damage to another, is the same, but the perpetrators have changed. Girls are both more likely to use cyber means to bully and they are also more likely to be the targets. Because the practice is so new, there are no prevention programs which specifically target cyber bullying. Also, because this type of aggression occurs in a private setting, it more often goes unnoticed by parents and other concerned adults.
Researchers need to further understand the nuances of cyber bullying and determine the best methods to…. A recent article published by the media company Al Jazeera in Qatar reports that Apple admitted "…some of its suppliers continue to overwork and underpay employees. One-third of Apple's suppliers in China were found to be "…negligent in managing hazardous substances" and also one-third of its suppliers in china were "…below standard in injury prevention practice" Al Jazeera. Moreover, Apple said it….
Since juvenile records are sealed during ongoing investigations, the authors used multiple sources from available national press reports, each of which was identified by more than one source, to create a list of possible causal factors. The data reveal several conclusions of concern: 1 Even though none of the perpetrators was identified as special need student, each demonstrated some indicators to peers of quite serious emotional problems and each demonstrated a low regard for human life. Each had "warned" others in advance of the violence that may occur by talking about killing in some context.
in the end 'the addict has to want to change' and if the addict does not want to change it does not matter what program National Institute of Justice, the National Institute of Justice reports that a woman "often retains legal custody of a child while in prison, and once out, may not have the child immediately returned to her by the family member caring for the child. The study breaks new ground by recording prisoners' perspectives on…. One can see similarities between monsters decline into homicidal tendencies and other homicidal persons. Homicide and suicide are often closely linked.
Those that have suicidal thoughts are often prone to homicidal thoughts as well. In the case of the monster, he desperately wants to end his own life, and also, to seek revenge against the one who brought him this misery. Once the person has committed murder, they know that inevitable dire consequences are likely to follow. Rather than face these consequences, they will often commit suicide. The hopelessness that led to the homicide becomes even more hopeless once the act is committed. Major depression is present in….
Public Administration: Gun Laws The disturbing images of distraught children and staff members at the Sandy Hook Elementary School scampering for safety as a gunman who had calmly made his way into the school compound shot indiscriminately, killing 26 innocent persons, among them 20 children are still vivid, almost three years after the incident. This was not even the first incident of mass gun violence in the country -- approximately 36 similar mass shooting incidences were reported nation-wide between and In the past, numerous policies directed at regulating gun use, possession, and commerce, have been enacted at the federal…. Inuit, Metis and the First Nations which are three distinct groups constitutionally recognized comprises the Aboriginal population of Canada.
Every one of them has their peculiar needs and characteristics, for instance the First Nations has over 50 individual groupings, the Inuit have a variety of different dialects while the Metis speak several languages although they have their specific language known as Michif. Instead of having their specific circumstances looked at in the context of Pan- Aboriginal perspective that lays emphasis on their present health needs and historical differences, the Aborigines of Canada expect their linguistic and cultural diversity to be affirmed and recognized by all. The reference "Aborigines" has derogatory connotations from the colonial legacy and is therefore frowned upon. They prefer the terms Inuit and Metis, the First Nations or Indigenous to refer to each of the distinctive groups.
In this report the terms are interchangeably applied. Aboriginal Populations…. Proposition Non-Sense Crime Drugs: A Policy Guide Proposition Attempts to ban the possession of handguns, or certain kinds of guns, are not a viable option for reducing crime. According to sociologist Samuel Walker: "People intent upon committing a crime are particularly motivated to obtain a gun. In short, it is not very efficient or sensible to try to control ownership of guns by the public at large when the real problem is the behavior of a very small part of the population -- violent criminals" Walker This statement is problematic for a number of reasons.
First of all, many individuals who do not intend to commit crimes still do so as a result of crimes of passion. Having a gun involved in a highly emotional situation almost invariably raises the ante of confrontation. Although they might not intend to commit a crime, the crime happens by virtue…. Depression Theories Various Theories on Depression, and Respective Treatments Depression is a complex mood disorder that is characterized by various emotions, including sadness, self-blame, absence of pleasure and an overall sense of worthlessness, and by physical responses relating to sleep, appetite and motor symptoms.
According to statistics, one in four adults will suffer from a depressive episode at some point in life. With a quarter of the population affected by depression, it is no wonder that one sees so many advertisements both on television and on billboards relating to the disorder. It is also understandable that many intellectual fields of study would give an opinion on what depression truly means and how it can be treated. This paper will thus examine psychological, sociological, cultural and biological theories on depression and will describe various treatments that take into account expertise from these various areas of study to better understand this complex….
Mental Health Policy A healthy body keeps a healthy mind is a universal proverb applicable to people of all times. Mental illness not only harms the person himself but also the ones who are closely associated with him. The number of mentally ill people is increasing across the globe and there is serious need to devise an effective policy to control this situation. An abusive, compelling and dominating behavior in a dating relationship among the teenage youngsters is termed as dating violence. Students susceptible to dating violence suffer greatly in terms of their academic performance, social and extra-curricular activities. They may show poor results and isolate themselves from colleagues and friends. They may show lack of interest in extra-curricular activities.
All these activities are results of poor mental health. Such students have a profound effect on their psyche due to being exposed to some kind of in-home violence in their…. Stonewalling, or what many people, referred to as "silent treatment" occurs when the bully or group simply ignores the victim completely. This can be extremely distressing to adolescents. This often occurs with group exclusion. A common form of relational bullying is the spreading of rumors and gossip about the victim. This is a direct attempt to ruin the victim's relationships and exclude them from contact with their peers and even with adults. Taunting occurs when the bully insults or verbally abuses the victim directly. Taunting often continues even when the victim physically breaks down.
Conditional friendships occur when the bully places demands on the victim in order for the victim to be allowed in the group were with peers. The effects of relational bullying are often more psychologically damaging than the effects of more physical forms of bullying. In addition, relational and physical bullying are often…. Other determining factors influencing long-term affects of abuse to a child include: Whether the child's mother is supportive and child can confide in her. Whether the child's experiences success at school Whether the child has nurturing relationships with peers. Childhood intimacy problems and sexual abuse, interacting with family background, contribute the child's developing self-esteem and sense or "world" mastery being disrupted.
Sexual Abuse "Signs" Effects of early sexual abuse, which include childhood intimacy problems, last well into a person's adulthood and effect their relationships, family and work. Individual symptomatology tends to be reflected into the following four areas: 1. Therefore, any incident involving an LNG tanker along the Caribbean routes could harm not only U. energy security but also the economies of the Caribbean islands, affecting tourism and other industries. The Caribbean trade routes are of particular interest to this discussion given their proximity to the United States continental mainland and their historical appeal to the activities and organization of pirates. According to Mitchell, "the Caribbean island chain stretches for miles in a convex arch from the Bahamas past the south east point of Florida and downward to the….
may be linked to unidentified variables. In the evaluation of the intervention, the parents should not be under a negative judgment when goals are failed in being met but instead the goals should be acknowledged as unmet and then barriers to treatment success should be collectively reviewed then designed and implemented. Parents can team up with teachers and schools by asking for school conferences where they can address the issue of bullying, Barreto. The parents can also keep a record of incidents of harassment and the ways in which the school handled these situations.
They should also insist on the putting up of a bullying prevention committee if one is not already in place. In order for the committee to be effective, it needs to have representatives from administration, teachers, school mental health teams and parents. Teachers should be encouraged to involve the students in creating rules for the classroom regarding bullying. They should have a serious talk with the bully and explain the unacceptability of the behavior as well as its negative consequences. Reports of bullying should not be left to deal with bullying on their own in the hope that the experience will make them stronger individuals, bullying….
In the tissue culture, they usually proliferate indefinitely. The normal constraints which limit the growth of the cells absent in the cancerous state and are also characterized by the division ability for number of generations which is unlimited. Cell cycle and cancer With millions of chemical reactions taking place concurrently and in specific areas, the human body can be thought of as a small laboratory. It is the only "machine" with the ability to save fuel when fed in excess and also know to bring out the reserves when facing starvation, capable to protect itself from attacks by viruses and bacteria, ability to make adjustments to withstand changes of weather and the ability to learn, think and create on its own.
The human body system is well integrated and organized, able to perform vital functions important to its survival. Malfunctions in the body can have damaging results that range in…. Long-Term Impacts of Bullying Bullying Bullying is an undesirable, hostile behavior exhibited by adolescents due to perceived and sometimes real power imbalance. This is a repeated behavior, or one that may be possibly repeated, as time goes on. Both the bullies and those bullied can develop long-term problems. For a child's behavior to be termed 'bullying', it must be a hostile behavior and include the following: Power imbalance: Children who bully make use of their physical strengths, their access to information that could be considered embarrassing, or their popularity to harm or control the activities of other children.
These imbalances in power can alter with time and circumstances, even when they involve the same set of people. Repetition: These bullying behaviors do not occur just once, or can occur recurrently. Bullying behaviors involve certain actions like threatening others, physical and verbal attacks, spreading rumors about someone, or leaving someone out…. Grief and Loss within Native American Culture Section 1: The Topic and Culture Dealing with grief and loss is a difficult time for people in any culture. The history of the Native American people is one of sorrow and turbulence yet also of pride and perseverance, and it is important to remember these two points on the spectrum of experience. While grief and loss are pain points, there is the other side of the spectrum or coin in which perseverance and pride can shine through and be found.
Understanding how to deal with grief and loss among Native Americans is particularly important because as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention …. Self-harming Behavior and Young People PART A Young people engaging in self-harming behaviors is referred to as non-suicidal self-injury: this is deliberate, concerted harm to the physical body, without the desire to commit suicide Klonsky, Young people often engage in these behaviors through the cutting of the top layer of the skin, hitting, or cutting. Though it is worth noting that self-harming behaviors does manifest with a range of conditions, from eating disorders, to personality disorders, to drug addiction and anxiety issues Klonsky, in their view, rather than promoting wholeness and recovery, the experience recreated the secrecy of abuse and fed the stigma associated with each of the three issues.
The WELL project also recommended an open dialogue between agencies as to better systems to put in place, and suggested giving individuals within each area of service "freedom to make change at any given moment" when a better approach can be taken by a trained professional healthcare provider. Indeed, the lack of "recognition and protection" by schools in general contributes to the "critically high level of suicide" among this community of minority students Surely alert, competent, contemporarily up-to-date school counselors understand that they have the "daunting but imperative obligation to become social activists for gay, lesbian, and bisexual students" since these students are the most "stigmatized members of school environs," Stone continues.
There is no doubt that certain legal and ethical issues come in the way of school counselors' being free to help LGBT adolescents with their difficult decisions. Supreme Court has affirmed that fact in several cases ,…. While many articles tend to deal with the fact that victims of child abuse tend to become abusers, I wanted to go in another direction, looking at how child abuse can actually affect the life of the abused. In order to consider this, I contemplated Belik et al. In order to test the connection between certain traumatic events and suicide attempts, the authors drew data from the Canadian Community Health Survey, which asked respondents to mark whether they had been victims of 28 different traumatic events during their lives.
One of these events was child abuse. The survey was representative of such variables including…. Introduction One of the most disturbing aspects of life as a Native American is the fact that this population suffers from historical trauma—the trauma of having lost their land, their way of life, and essentially their freedom to self-determination when the American colonies began to assert themselves and push the Natives off their land. The Cherokee were expelled from the East, for instance, by the Indian Removal Act in the 19th century, and countless more were slaughtered in brutal territorial wars of conquest as the US expanded westward.
Historical trauma is a real struggle for this invisible minority Brown-Rice. It has led to a deterioration of mental health among Native Americans, who in turn now suffer from alcoholism, substance abuse and a lack of access to adequate mental health care Hartmann and Gone. Compared to other ethnicities and racial groups, Native Americans experience higher lifetime substance abuse rates. There are…. Depression in Adolescents Roughly nine percent of the population - an estimated The effects of depression are magnified in children, who are experiencing depression in greater numbers. An estimated 8.
This paper examines the growing problem of depression among adolescents. The first part of this paper is an overview of teen depression, looking at its causes and contrasting teen depression with depression in adults. The next part then looks at the depressive symptoms among teenagers, contrasting these with the symptoms of depression in adults. In the last part, the paper examines the…. Widow Burning: The Practice of Suttee Suttee or sati is a practice in which a widow will either kill herself by burning on the death of her husband. While linked to Hinduism, the practice has never been a dictated part of the religion and many argue that it goes against some of the basic concepts of the Hindu religion. However, others suggest that there is a religious foundation for the practice.
Regardless of its religious or social history, it is a controversial social practice. While many condemn the practice in general, specific cases of sati are often considered to be examples of heroic self-sacrifice. However, the practice reveals much about the role of women in Indian society; widows are frequently left without any real position in the community, so much so that their deaths are seen as an acceptable alternative to life as a man without a woman. From a…. Childhood Depression Major depressive disorder, or MDD, may affect up to twenty percent of the adult population.
The recognition of depression as a serious and common mental disorder has been vital in the identification and treatment of depression in adults. Leaps and bounds have been made in the field of depression research. It seemed surreal to listen to him talk so calmly about his own death. As I later learned, he was entirely serious. He suffered from bipolar depression and was seeing a therapist regularly. He attempted suicide several times that year. I wanted to find out …show more content… I argue in favor of crisis centered intervention because the ends justify the means. It is selfish to make someone live if they want to die. But in the case of suicides and attempted suicides, those who are prevented later express gratitude for their survival.
This suggests that for at least a little while, the suicidal person was not thinking about his or her own suicide logically. To explore this claim, we should recognize that suicide is often impulsive. One of the ways to prevent suicides is by restriction of method. It has been shown that when easy and accessible methods of suicide are cut off, suicide rates drop. The switch from coal to natural gas saw a fall in suicide rates in Britain, improvements in emissions from cars have also been correlated to lowered suicide rates, and suicide rates are lower in states with stricter gun control laws Lester …show more content… This is the suicide note. Unfortunately, there is no handy manual of answers to existential questions in most suicides.
Those that do rarely explain the exact reasons for the act. According to a recent study which collected suicide notes and analyzed the emotional content of the notes, most suicide notes contain instructions rather than explanations. This goes against the depiction of suicides in fiction, where a note of some sort is almost guaranteed in order to resolve conflict. The real world is a less neat. Get Access. Satisfactory Essays. Kurt Cobain Words 2 Pages. Kurt Cobain. Read More. Better Essays. Suicide Bombers Words 3 Pages 6 Works Cited. Suicide Bombers. Good Essays. The Importance Of Suicide Words 2 Pages. The Importance Of Suicide. Anti Right to Die Science and technology has allowed humans to treat a myriad of diseases that were previously terminal.
This is illustrated in the controversy over the case of Terry Schiavo, the Florida woman at the center of a right to die dispute between her husband and her parents. Schiavo, who has been in a vegetative state for the past 13 years, brings a face to the legal question of when can a third party decide the fate of patients who cannot decide for themselves. According to Schiavo's husband, Terri would not want to live in her present state. Schiavo's parents, however, disagree Stern and Goddard. The conflict illustrates the lack of precedent regarding the legal status of patients like Terri Schiavo.
There are many more like her, who are comatose, unconscious and with no hope of recovery. Science and technology has allowed humans to treat a myriad of…. Works Cited American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Tamara L. Roleff, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, Opposing Viewpoints Database. Bresnahan, James. EBSCO database. Emanuel, Ezekiel et al. August 12, Hendin, Herbert. Seduced by Death: Doctors, Patients and the Dutch Cure. New York and London: W. Norton and Company, Life Experience and Mental Health Challenges The third largest cause of deaths in young Americans age group- years is suicide. Over 30, Americans commit suicide annually. For each suicide case, six individuals, on an average, are estimated to be deeply affected; their grief for the suicide victim might continue for several subsequent years.
Loved ones left behind by those who commit suicide tend to be much more intensely bereaved, as compared with those who mourn other sudden deaths; their agony is aggravated by complex feelings of shame and guilt. Though some victims leave behind 'suicide notes', attempting to explain what made them take such an extreme step, generally a range of factors lead to such drastic choices. Most of those who kill themselves aren't opting for death itself; rather, they often simply attempt to lessen their pain, be it psychological or physical. They might have, earlier, tried out other…. References Duke University PAS. Normal Reactions to Suicide. html Lezine, D. Eight Stories Up.
Oxford University Press. Moncher, F. Coping with a Suicide: Catholic Teaching and Pastoral Response. Arlington: Knights of Columbus Supreme Council. Uzych, L. Eight Stories Up: A review. Adult depression affects millions of people in the United States alone each year. Whether it is acute or chronic depression, the symptoms often form a debilitating daily life that attributes to poor quality of life for those afflicted. SpeakUP and the Joint Commission offers a brochure on adult depression helping people learn what to look for in someone that is depressed. The brochure is not only a great way to raise awareness for adult depression, it also provides on the first page, useful links to various organizations that help those depressed, get help.
One of the biggest ones is the suicide prevention lifeline phone number and website. Just like kids and teens, adults battle depression too. Without the tools and information to understand and combat depression, adults may end up dealing with depression for years alone and isolated. The brochure is meant to show readers that there is hope for…. References SpeakUP. Speak Up: What You Should Know About Adult Depression. Healthcare Case Study Schuylkill County, PA County Overview - Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania is located in the heart of the anthracite Coal region of Pennsylvania where the Schuylkill iver originates.
Pottsville is the county seat, and the county showed a population of just under , as of with a density of persons per square mile. The county's history, likely due to large coal deposits, focused on the railroad and industrialization Schuylkill Chamber of Commerce, This is likely due to the lack of appropriate jobs and opportunities within the county. htm Election Statistics. Media in the Development of Antisocial Personality Disorder vs. the Effect of Media in the Development of Prosocial Behavior Some researchers contend that media has a negative impact on individuals and can be instrumental in the development of antisocial personality disorder obertson, McAnally, Hancox, , while other researchers contend that media can actually have a positive effect on individuals and support prosocial behavior Greitemeyer, ; Greitemeyer, Oswald, This paper will discuss the two competing viewpoints regarding the effects of media on the mental disorder of antisocial personality disorder APD and then discuss why I support the view that media is inherently antisocial and thus has a negative effect on the development of APD.
The paper will conclude with an experimental research idea containing a reason for the study and the issue that will be resolved by the experiment. Position Media does have a negative impact on personality development that…. References Collings, S. Suicide prevention and emergent media: surfing the opportunity. Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention, Davis, B. Defeating Diabetes: Lessons from the Marshall Islands. Today's Dietitian, 10 8 : This creates a nerve with the client that their private information is going to be unprotected and confidentiality is going to be broken. There is no safe way to keep all information private.
However, all mental health professionals must take all necessary precautions to keep client information private. Conclusion As you look around the mall, classroom, church, family history, friend's family, or place of employment, you're sure to know someone with a mental illness, or someone who might of attempted suicide. Assessing and treating these disorders is essential in the mental health field, more trained mental health professionals are needed, more agencies, and more funding. Otherwise if society keeps assuming that the mind and brain are separate and that mental disorders are " different" or " bad" misunderstanding, mistreatment, and stigma will persist in this society.
We need to stop seeing individuals with mental health…. Reference American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders Revised 4th ed. Washington, DC: Author. American Association of Suicidology. suicide: official final data. Bonner, L. Rethinking suicide prevention and manipulative behavior in corrections. Jail Suicide Mental Health Update, 10 4 , Stressful segregation housing in psychosocial vulnerability in prison suicide. Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior, 36, Crises Calls at the American Cancer Society The American Cancer Society ACS is the largest cancer-related charitable organization in the United States, and probably the world.
It is one of the United States' two largest healthcare charitable organizations, along with the American Heart Association. It receives millions of dollars a year in donations and provides funding for research, information, and programs for cancer patients throughout the United States. One of the programs it runs is the cancer information center, a call-center where specially trained cancer information specialists handle calls about cancer. These cancer-information specialists CIS are college-educated, highly trained individuals with access to a database with extensive information about cancer. Most of them have backgrounds in the social sciences, such as psychology, sociology, and social work, and many of them have experience and training in crises counseling.
In addition, the ACS employs nurses in the call-center to handle specific-questions that…. References Anderson, D. Beyond change management: How to achieve breakthrough results through conscious change management. San Francisco, CA: Pfieffer. Appelbaum, S. Back to the future: Revisiting Kotter's change model. Journal of Management Development, 31 8 , Cameron, E. Making sense of change management: A complete guide to the models, tools, and techniques of organizational change. Philadelphia, PA: Kogan Page Limited. The War on Terror has led to an extended war in the Middle East that started with a U. intervention in Afghanistan, spread to Iraq, and has steadily engulfed other states as well. Returning veterans from Afghanistan and Iraq have suffered from post traumatic stress disorder PTSD , which has impacted the work and family life of these veterans Vogt et al.
Hundreds of thousands of this same population suffer from identity adjustment as the return to civilian life and attempt to make the transition from military norms to civilian living Orazem et al. This paper will discuss this specific population, its needs, policies and laws that impact this population, barriers to resource utilization, and how the nursing profession can promote change to improve healthcare outcomes for this veteran population. Health Promotion" that analyzes a current health care need and is appropriate for use in the general public.
Present a detailed analysis as to why your analysis is appropriate for the general public. Obesity is a significant problem for today's American children. The Northern California Cancer Center, for instance, calculates that more than 23 million children and teenagers are overweight and that this epidemic is growing. harma recommends that nutrition behaviors should focus on increased fruit and vegetable consumption, decreased fat intake, decreased consumption of carbonated drinks, adequate consumption of water and restricting portion sizes. This recommendation is appropriate for use in the general public particularly since children model what they see around them. If adults practice these recommendations too, children are more apt to model and less apt to become obese. Further, after analyzing and comparing at least two 2 other health promotion pamphlets, present a comparison and….
pdf Sharma, M School-based interventions for childhood and adolescent obesity The International Association for the Study of Obesity. Obesity reviews, 7, -- Though the Tyson article denotes that many participants in the program do require some adjustment time to become comfortable with the flow of videoconferencing, most have ultimately reported that the reduction in travel time has been an enormous assistance in removing barriers to counseling. In this particular program, a focus on relieving alcohol and drug addiction symptoms following rehabilitation in the remote rural regions of Montana would demonstrate the importance of having a more accessible mode of gaining such support services. Tyson, 1 Indeed, the Tyson article suggests that the counterpoint to providing these opportunities is the danger that such individuals are likely to lapse back into addiction.
This is…. Works Cited: B2B Media. General Telemedicine. Telemedicine Today. Online at Callister, E. Godleski, L. VA telemental health: suicide assessment. Behavioral Science Law, 26 3 , Grady, B. Evidence-Based Practice For Telemental Health. American Telemedicine Association. Media Relations. Nursing Shortage Fact Sheet. American Association of Colleges of Nursing. Army Substance Abuse Program, in terms of the program's history, its employment requirements, and the rationale behind them. It looks at various jobs within the hierarchy of this program, from the commanders responsible for implementing the program on the level of installations or garrisons, to the trained personnel taking urine samples.
By way of demonstrating the utility of the continued education requirement even for the personnel collecting urine, the paper notes the existence of such widespread willingness to deceive testing, and then reviews recent peer-reviewed studies with potential relevance for successful implementation of Army Substance Abuse Program theories, curricula, and policies. Introduction The Army Center for Substance Abuse Programs was first established in in response to a law requiring the Secretary of Defense to identify, treat, and rehabilitate members of the U. military determined to be dependent upon alcohol or illicit drugs; similar legislation followed to require the same….
References Lande, R. J Addict Diseases Military combat deployments and substance use: Review and future directions. J Soc Work Pract Addict doi: Stigma as a barrier to substance abuse and mental health treatment. Longitudinal assessment of mental health problems among active and reserve component soldiers returning from the Iraq War. JAMA doi SCM Supply Chain Management An Overview of Supply Chain Management which Includes Two Recent Examples Supply Chains as a Competitive Advantage Apple Inc. al-Mart's SCM Supply chain management SCM stands at the forefront of operation management in most organizations. The concept of SCM involves how to transform inputs and add value to a product or service. The efficiency and effectiveness of a SCM function has a direct effect on how successfully the business can compete in the marketplace.
Some of the focal points of SCM deal with how to remove communication barriers between and organization and its suppliers, how to effectively coordinate activities, monitoring progress, and controlling internal and external processes to make the production capabilities as reliable as possible. Although there are many aspects to effectively managing a supply chain, one of the most important aspects to effectively managing a supply chain is to create better downstream visibility and…. Works Cited Faber, D. The New Age of Walmart.
Can Apple Redeem Itself on Supply Chain Sustainability? Taking a Cue on Accountability from Nike's Playbook. Apple admits using child labour. html Wailgum, T. Gartner Top 25 Supply Chain: Apple Tops, SAP Customers Abound. For example, Massachusetts and California have made recent improvements by upgrading care quality and professionalizing care; by contrast, despite Florida's large population of seniors and the beginning of a coalition of patients, families, and workers on behalf of better care, the state administration remains inflexible in their funding approach Fitzgerald Nursing homes and other long-term-care facilities are unique among low-wage labor markets in that government, in effect, sets wages and career paths by setting reimbursement rates.
Government also regulates the conditions of care and subsidizes training programs for nursing assistants and other paraprofessionals. Unlike other low-wage sectors, a broad-based, middle-class constituency for better wages and benefits potentially exists in the form of family members of nursing home residents. Therefore, there is a potential solution that benefits all the stakeholders by providing higher reimbursements together with tighter regulation and deliberate professionalization of the direct-care workforce; unfortunately, while some states have….
Works Cited About SeniorNet. In the case of the former of these groups, there is a demand for proper training and experience in helping family members face the practical realities imposed by the death of a loved one. Further, research demonstrates that many acute care settings are lacking in the capacity to manage these particular issues, failing particularly to make some of the most basic steps needs to help the bereaved face this difficult period. According to Murphy et al. Accordingly, Murphy et al. report that "the facilities completed surveys about on-site services routinely offered by licensed hospice agencies. Works Cited: Benoliel, J.
Loss and Bereavement Perspectives, Theories, Challenges. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 30 4 , Birtwistle, J. The role of the district nurse in bereavement support. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 38 5 , Bunting-Perry, L. Palliative Care in Parkinson's Disease: Neuroscience Nursing Implications: Bereavement Care. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 38 2 , Hanson, L. What is wrong with end-of-life care? Opinions of bereaved family members. Journal of American Geriatric Society, 45 11 , In this regard, the law enforcement community has begun implementing scenario-based strategic planning in the nature of that used by American military strategists since the Cold War.
Interagency strategic planning now includes scenario-based training wherein the specific components of local, state, and federal agencies charged with responding to critical incidents participate in joint exercises simulating the foreseeable demands for their joint services Koestner Benefits and Potential Difficulties: Scenario-based tactical training in law enforcement has undoubtedly improved the safety of officers, subjects, and victims at crime scenes by conditioning officers to respond reflexively after hours of repetitive simulated tactical exposure Lynch In the case of strategic planning, operational synchronicity and resource implementation are the goals rather than reflexive individual responses, but, the benefit is analogous.
In much the same way that scenario-based tactical training ensures the desired application of force on the force continuum authorized for use by police…. Demands on Police Services in a WMD Incident; FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, Vol. Lynch, Michael, D. Developing a Scenario-Based Training Programs: Giving Officers a Tactical Advantage; FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, Vol. Koestner, Lesley, G. Law Enforcement Online: Facing the Challenges of Katrina; FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, Vol. Apple, for example, outsources much of their production to a vendor known as Foxconn in China whose working conditions are so severe that the company has actually installed a suicide prevention netting around their buildings to keep employees from jumping to their deaths.
Others such as Tulchin and Bland argue that areas without adequate rule of law many corporations take advantage of the local population and corruption is rampant and the locals are not able to demand accountability from their governments. The financial advantages that have been gained and that can be attributed to globalization are pretty compelling on the whole. However, I think the…. Globalization Position on Globalization Globalization is a trend towards a more integrated global economic system that is driven by the reduction of trade and investment barriers by technology and other factors. Is important to note that globalization is not exactly a new phenomenon. As soon as the transportation technology developed to a sufficient level to move around various goods then international trade quickly emerged.
The first ships that traded spices and various goods could be considered forms of emerging globalization. However, today's level of globalization is on an entirely different scale than previous trade arrangements. Much of the globalization trend is driven by the fact that many organizations operate internationally and supply chains have become sophisticated, complex, and spans the entire globe. When multi-national companies are able to access to foreign resources and labor then they can often achieve much higher profit margins. Furthermore, in many cases it can also….
National Council for Behavioral Health n. points out, at least thirty percent of active duty military personnel suffer from a serious mental health disorder that requires treatment, but less than half of these individuals receive treatment. However, there are a variety of state and national mental health services specifically for individuals and families affiliated with the military. The state of Washington maintains a list of mental health resources including family resources for military and veteran families Washington Mental Health Care esources, n. The state of California's Department of Health Care Services n.
offers a similar set of resources including suicide prevention hotlines for homeless veterans. The California Department of Veterans Affairs n. draws attention to the range of state and federal resources available, including those that are funded under the Mental Health Services Act MHSA , Proposition The primary resource for service members and their families is the Department of…. National Institute of Health Care Management Foundation Founded in and based in Washington, D. The Foundation exists between the ideological space occupied by think tanks on the one side and associations on the other side. By providing evidence-based research and reports, the Foundation "sparks insights and collaboration" among health care groups, who then implement solutions to overcome obstacles in the health care industry.
The Directors of the Foundation include some of the top CEOs of health insurance companies, while NIHCM's advisory board consists of academics, doctors, and former government workers. Suicide ates Among Geriatric Persons The causes of death among the elderly are traditionally associated with the normal aging process or what would be called natural process, diseases associated with age and the debilitations it can cause. Huyck Hoyer Still other studies are making it clear that murder and suicide rates are increasing dramatically among the elderly. iley, , p. References Birren, J. Handbook of the psychology of aging. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. Coleman, P. In Handbook of Communication and Aging Research, Nussbaum, J. Hudson, C. Dimensions of State Mental Health Policy.
New York: Praeger Publishers. Their bereavement is therefore noted to be very lengthy with the symptoms lasting for up to three years or more as indicated in the work of Murphy The reliability of the instruments used in the study eliability is defined by Joppe as the extent to which the outcome of a given research are consistent over time. It also refers to how the results are an accurate representation of the phenomenon being studied and how well the given study can be reproduced using a similar methodology p. This study employed questionnaires as the instrument of study and the reliability of these is relatively low. The specific measures used were the SAFE Acculturative Stress Scale, Beck Depression Inventory, Multi-Group Ethnic Identity Measure and Beck Suicide all of which have various levels of reliability and validity.
All of these instruments are appropriate for this study since they can accurately depict…. References Barnes, DH The aftermath of suicide among African-Americans. Journal of Black Psychology,32, -- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Web-Based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System. htm Crosby, a. Introduction: Suicidal behaviors in the African-American community. Journal of Black Psychology, 32, -- Garlow, S. Ethnic differences in patterns of suicide across the life cycle. American Journal of Psychiatry, , -- Analysis techniques to be implemented Main Body The purpose of the proposal Review of relevant literature Implication of policy and practice Dissemination strategy Dependant and Independent variables Due to tremendous increase in crime rate, there is urgent need to evaluate and understand criminal behavior, to implement programs and develop strategies that will prevent criminal activities and curb crime increase, using considerately cost effective approaches and technological inputs.
With regards to the nature of the problem, the most convenient way that will be cost effective and easy to implement will be the use of Reserve Officer Training Corps ROTC programs being integrated into the high school syllabus as an incentive which will make the program more appealing to the students, hence allowing for prevention…. Different families vary in their emotional and physical resources and they react differently under stressful circumstances. Some resort to violence to a child in cases of a family crisis.
The seesaw model brings these elements together to a point at which intervention is required to lead to a restoration in balance within the family. This model tries to alleviate the immediate stress by removing the child temporarily from the home and offering counseling to them. Student substance abuse The problem of substance abuse among student is rampant in many societies today. There are high levels of binge drinking among students which has adverse consequences such as increased risk of alcoholism as well as liver diseases.
There are various methods of interventions which can be used to prevent and treat substance abuse among students. Drug Abuse esistance Education DAE is an educational program that seeks to prevent the use…. References Avvo, Inc. Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act. Recognizing Child Abuse and Neglect: Signs and Symptoms. Social psychology, both as an academic and a professional practice, is extremely useful for elucidating the phenomenon of high rates of suicide within the military, and within the United States in general. The frequency of the occurrence of suicide within the military is explicitly denoted within Brewin's article , in which there are record rates for suicide in the armed services in and the "number of military suicides has more than doubled since " p.
Sweeping phenomena such as the high incidence of suicide within a specific population setting validates social psychology as a discipline, since it is apparent that such problems are indicative of social concerns. Such problems will not simply go away, and require psychological means to address this issue. This fact is widely alluded to within the aforementioned article. One of the chief reasons for suicide is the general perception that seeking counseling or psychological…. References Brewin, B. Military suicides are up, despite prevention programs. Social psychology differs when applied in different cultural contexts.
Furuya, S. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology: Morality and Group Relations: Possible Bias Part I. Social Psychology View: What ensures that Women are Treated Fairly in Office Settings in the United States? oys and Girls Clubs of America as a Resource to Aid in the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency oys and Girls Clubs of America This research describes the tremendous need for nonprofit human services organizations by youth who: use drugs, commit crimes or are victims of crime, drop out of high school, and become pregnant at an early age. There are a variety of nonprofit organizations such as oys and Girls Clubs of America, ig rothers ig Sisters and Children's Aid Society that step in to try to compensate for a breakdown in modern social infrastructures.
This paper summarized how each makes their own unique contributions and describes in detail the many successes of programs offered by the oys and Girls Clubs of America, proven by formalized studies. ecause human services have made such a difference in the lives of children, recommendations include additional outreach and increased funding for their activities. Bibliography ' Survey National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Department of Health and Human Services. Alston, Frances Kemper. Anderson-Butcher, Dawn, Newsome, W. Sean, and Ferrari, Theresa M. Wiley InterScience. Diabetes Among Middle Age Males: One of the major public health issues among middle age males is diabetes since they are twice as likely to suffer from the disease as compared to their female counterparts.
The main reason for the increase of the rate of diabetes is that the risk of type 2 diabetes increases with age. The other risk factors include an inactive lifestyle, being obese or overweight, a history of the disease in immediate family, and a diet with high sugar and low fiber.
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