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Sample problem solution essay

Sample problem solution essay

Solution 1: Governments Idea: Adequate legislation and controls for young people How: More complex website access criteria Solution 2: Parents Idea: Monitor children and restrict access How: Sample problem solution essay a computer program Solution 3: Companies Idea: Improve IT security systems How: Review current systems in place, sample problem solution essay. Conclusion including 'evaluation'. The standard definition of an agency situation entails a basic conflict of interest in the corporate context. Governments could also implement initiatives to improve their citizens' eating and exercise habits. Do you want to talk about bullying?

Practice IELTS Writing Task 2 based on Essay types

Virginia has been a university English instructor for over 20 years. She specializes in helping people write essays faster and easier. Start by thinking about things that bother you or problems that you find irritating. If you've thought, "I know how this could be done better! Step 1 : Think about sample problem solution essay that you belong to and problems that those groups have. Make a list of groups you belong to like:. Step 2: Make a list of problems you have encountered in some of these groups. Sometimes, there is a plan for a solution but it isn't working, or maybe the plan isn't being enforced. The problem doesn't have to be a big one, but it has to be something you can convince other people needs to be and can be solved, or at least made better.

Step 3: Still stuck? You might want to check out my list of Problem Solution Essay topics to find an idea hint: this article also includes sample essays. Step 4: Once you have your topic, you might want to go through the exercises in my problem solution guide to get ready to write. Use the table below to get ideas for what types of solutions might already have been tried and which ones might work better to solve your problem. Provide a way to enforce or else provide more resources like more police or money for regulators to enforce existing rules or laws. More buildings or a new organization is needed because nothing currently existing will solve problem.

In the introduction, you need to describe the problem and explain why it needs to be solved and then give your thesis solution. At the end of your introduction, you can ask your thesis question and then give your solution idea as the thesis statement. Here are some tips:. Your conclusion will be one or more paragraphs. For an excellent ending, you want to clinch your argument and convince your reader that your solution is the best. Here are some effective ideas:. Tone: Tone is important in this sort of paper. You want to have a tone that is reasonable, convincing, appealing, sample problem solution essay, and logical.

However, first person or third is also appropriate. Audience : Considering the reaction of your reader is very important in writing this paper. You need to address a reader who can implement your proposal. To build an effective argument or proposal, you need to find common ground with your audience. Here are some questions that can help you define your audience for your position paper sample problem solution essay also find out what common ground you have with them:. Start Up Stock CC0 Public Domain via Pixaby. Argument essays often lead to position or problem solution papers, since once someone agrees with your argument, they often want to know, sample problem solution essay, "What should we do about it?

Both argument and problem-solution essays:. Problem Solution Essays Give a Detailed Plan : What makes a problem-solution paper different is that it gives a detailed plan for how the problem needs to be solved and argues for a specific action. The body argues for your solution and explains:. Answer: After describing the problem, it usually helps to talk about what has already been done to try to solve that problem and why that has not worked. Then you can begin your suggestion by using a transition phrase. Since the previous solutions have been ineffective, a more comprehensive approach needs to be taken Answer: Start by giving a vivid description of the problem.

You can tell a story about the problem or give a scenario, or tell your real-life experience with the problem. Then end the paragraph with the question about how to solve that problem. Question: How should I start my essay on the problem in my community? Sample problem solution essay a college student. Answer: The best way to start a problem solution essay is to give a vivid description of the problem, explaining who it hurts and why. Answer: You start with a vivid description of the problem. That can be by telling a conversation about the problem, describing the history of the problem, telling a story about the problem or just using vivid examples.

Question: What kinds of problem solution essay topics could you do about people who live in the countryside? Answer: Think about the problems that they might have that are different from people in the city. Perhaps you can focus on getting jobs, family relationships, education, or access to health care, sample problem solution essay. Question: I have to write a "problem solution essay", and I am conflicted on what the topic should be. Do you have any suggestions? Answer: The hardest part sample problem solution essay writing a problem solution essay is finding a solution.

Often, my students start with one solution idea. Then as they begin to write and collaborate on ideas with others, they will change their sample problem solution essay accordingly. In reality, problem solution essays are a way of writing out what we are always doing in our lives and work: trying to find a better way to do something. Because these essays are harder to write, it helps if you really care about the topic, sample problem solution essay. That is why I have my students start by listing things that really annoy them or problems they feel need a solution. Generally, I suggest they stick to something they personally experience.

I tell them to think about all of the groups they belong to at school, home, and in their communities and then write a list of all the problems they notice in those groups. Generally, once they have written that list, they start to see something they are most interested in solving. The best topic to choose is one that has these characteristics:. Question: I am a high school student, sample problem solution essay, and I chose to write an essay about insecurities. However, now I feel the topic is too broad. Should I stick with it? Answer: You are very astute to realize that your topic isn't narrow enough.

That problem happens a lot to students. Instead of changing topics, you probably will do better to take the subject you started with and narrow it to a particular group of people or a situation. Here are some ideas of problem solution topics on sample problem solution essay. How do you do one? Answer: I'm so glad you are helping your child as they learn to write. Teachers have different ways of helping children develop a topic. Drawing a web and drawing a diagram are two different ways. These are also sometimes called "storyboards. You may have learned to outline or jot down notes, which are similar ways to do this. I'd always suggest that you read the teacher's instructions and ask your child what they remember about the directions first.

However, if you still aren't sure, here is how I would interpret that instruction:. Write the topic idea in sample problem solution essay middle of a piece of paper. I usually tell my students to frame this as a question. By the way, expository is usually an argument essay and one kind of argument essay is a problem solution. For example: How can we solve the problem of students being absent too often from school? Draw a circle around that question and then draw lines out from the circle looking like you are starting a spider web.

Each of the lines should be an answer to the question. Example: make them go into detention, sample problem solution essay, call the parents, give them incentives for having good attendance, give them a chance to not take the finals if they have good attendance, etc. Then draw a circle around each of those answers and draw lines off again. This time, you will give examples, sample problem solution essay, reasons or objections that relate to that answer. Question: For a problem solution essay, should the problem be in one paragraph and sample problem solution essay solution in a different paragraph? Answer: My students generally write essays that have at least five paragraphs, sample problem solution essay, often more.

I would suggest that you do something like this:. Explain and describe the problem and why this should be solved. End with a question which is asking how the problem can be solved. Example: How can we solve the problem of school shootings? Then in the next paragraph, you would give your solution idea. If your idea is easy to explain, then you would spend the rest of your paper refuting objections and explaining why your idea would work and be cost-effective, feasible, and effective. On the other hand, if your idea is complicated to explain, you will need to spend a longer part of your paper making sure the reader understands it. In both cases, sample problem solution essay, you will need to refute any objections and help the reader to see how important it is to do this solution.

Answer: An easy way to use a quotation is to start with "According to. Here are some examples of different ways to do this:, sample problem solution essay. According to Jamie Jones in his article "Cats are Crazy Creatures," the reason more people like dogs is "quote goes here" page number. Jamie Jones, in his article "Cats are Crazy Creatures" points out that "quote goes here" page number MLA style. Question: What if we had a topic that someone chose for us and we don't know anything about the topic, but we can't change it? Answer: If you need to find a solution to a problem someone else has chosen, sample problem solution essay, you will need to research the problem and all of the solutions that other people have thought about or tried.

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As installing a wastewater treatment plant is an additional burden and is costly, it is easier to let the waste water into the nearby water bodies as nobody questions this. Installing Industrial waste water treatment plants could be beneficial to the environment and helps in reducing global warming effects. Industrial wastewater treatment illustrates the processes used for treating wastewater that is produced by industries into a by-product. There are proven records for reducing water pollution after wastewater treatment. In summary, every industry should have a wastewater treatment plant installed to treat their waste water which will reduce water pollution and thereby benefiting the environment.

This will help reduce global warming and ultimately prevents rise in sea water levels. Problem solution essay IELTS topics: Migration: An increasing number of professionals, such as doctors and teachers, are leaving their own poorer countries to work in developed countries. What problems does this cause? What solutions can you suggest to deal with this situation? Here are the 10 Problem Solution Essay topics IELTS examples : Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Example 4 Example 5 Example 6 Example 7 Example 8 Example 9 Example 10 In search of useful tips for problem solution essay identification? By enrolling into our free IELTS online coaching , you can now learn the suitable tips and tricks to handle this section. Also check:. What is the difference between a Problem solution essay and a cause solution essay?

She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. She soon found that non-native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9. Home IELTS Writing IELTS Writing Task 2 IELTS Writing Task 2 : Problem Solution Essay IELTS Writing Task 2 : Problem Solution Essay- Identification and Tips for Solution Janice Thompson,.

Contents 1 Types of essays 1. Example 1. Example 2. Example 3. Example 4. Example 6. Example 7. Example 8. Example 9. Example In search of useful tips for problem solution essay identification? Can I write cause and solution in the same paragraph? You must write the cause and solution in two separate paragraphs. How to write a solution paragraph? Firstly, you need to develop ideas for the given problem and check if your ideas are relevant to the problem. Then, decide how you will explain your solution, which shouldn't be too simplistic. Then, develop your solution with a detailed explanation. Cause solution essay and Problem solution essay are very similar, but there's a subtle difference. A problem-solution essay asks about the problem, while a cause-solution essay questions the causes.

In both types of essays, the writer should mention the problem. What are the negative impacts of playing computer games and what can be done to minimize the bad effects? The internet has transformed the way information is shared and consumed, but it has also created problems that did not exist before. What are the most serious problems associated with the internet and what solutions can you suggest? In the developed world, average life expectancy is increasing. What problems will this cause for individuals and society? Suggest some measures that could be taken to reduce the impact of ageing populations. An important note. Some essays ask for reasons and solutions, not problems and solutions.

Writing about a reason or cause is not the same as writing about a problem. Check these model essays to see the difference. In order to understand these types of problem solution essays further and how to organize your writing, we'll look at a problem solution example essay:. The enormous growth in the use of the internet over the last decade has led to radical changes to the way that people consume and share information. Although serious problems have arisen as a result of this, there are solutions. One of the first problems of the internet is the ease with which children can access potentially dangerous sites. For example, pornography sites are easily accessible to them because they can register with a site and claim to be an adult.

There is no doubt that this affects their thoughts and development, which is a negative impact for the children and for society. Another major problem is the growth of online fraud and hacking. These days, there are constant news stories about government and company websites that have been hacked, resulting in sensitive information falling into the hands of criminals. It is important that action is taken to combat these problems. Governments should ensure that adequate legislation and controls are in place that will prevent young people from accessing dangerous sites, such as requiring more than simply confirming that you are an adult to view a site. Parents also have a part to play.

They need to closely monitor the activities of their children and restrict their access to certain sites, which can now be done through various computer programs. Companies must also improve their onsite IT security systems to make fraud and hacking much more difficult by undertaking thorough reviews of their current systems for weaknesses. However, with the right action by individuals, governments and businesses, it can be made a safe place for everyone. From the problem solution essay, look at the problems paragraph, and answer the following questions then click on the link below to see the answers :. These days, there are constant news stories about government and company websites that have been hacked. Your answers to these questions should tell you a lot about how to plan and organize a problem paragraph.

You only need two or three problems as remember you do not have much time and you need to explain the problems. When you brainstorm your ideas for problem solution essays, think about a what the problem is b how you will explain it c and what the effect is. Your paragraph will then follow this pattern. Problem 1: children can access potentially dangerous sites. Problem 2: growth of online fraud and hacking. These days, there are constant news stories about government and company websites that have been hacked , resulting in sensitive information falling into the hands of criminals. Your answers to these questions provide you with some key tips on writing a solutions paragraph. Anxiety Disorder Among Children and Ways to Prevent It View essay example. Anxiety Disorder: the Mind Which Plays All the Game 3 Pages.

Anxiety Disorder: the Mind Which Plays All the Game View essay example. Drug and Alcohol Abuse Among Teenagers 4 Pages. Drug and Alcohol Abuse Among Teenagers View essay example. The Influence Of Corporal Punishment On A Child 2 Pages. The Influence Of Corporal Punishment On A Child View essay example. Cannot find an essay? Try advanced search. An essay that identifies the problem or an issue, providing several ways to resolve it. A typical problem solution essay example is river pollution or youth gang problems. Include a description of a problem with statistical data or references. As a rule, a solution is offered with due analysis. All problems and solutions examples must include strong argumentation and references.

How to write a problem solution essay? An introduction part must provide information about the issue and explain why it matters. Provide a list of solutions or mention a methodology. Good problem solution essay topics analyze the strengths and weaknesses of existing solutions by coming to a conclusion and a list of recommendations. Remember about references and backing up your argumentation with evaluation in the Conclusion part. The most popular topics for Problem Solution Essays Anxiety Gun Control Pollution Drug Addiction Women's Rights Postpartum Depression Illegal Immigration Abortion Gun Violence Sexism Teenage Pregnancy Consumerism Human Trafficking Cheating Domestic Violence. Got it. Haven't found the right essay? Get an expert to write you the one you need!

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