Thursday, January 6, 2022

Essay on slums

Essay on slums

At seventeen years old, I dropped out of school to pursue my only chance of success; long distance running. However, the high prevalence of slums and the ease with which they grow suggests that their causes lie in conventional and institutionalized routines of business as usual, essay on slums. So, now the two sheltered. The cookie is set by the GDPR Essay on slums Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Bandra overlooking the Arabian Sea, Mr. With these devices which control the types and size of housing units that are built, the size of the lots homes are built on, and whether or not apartments are allowed to be built those in control create sections of cities or whole towns that are simply too essay on slums for poor people to live in. Poverty and Corruption: Indian Slums in A Nutshell Words 5 Pages 8 Works Cited.

Slum Conditions And Causes

Globalization has become a living reality of the world, influencing many directions, many aspects to the development of all nations and nations. It poses many opportunities but also many challenges. Globalization encompasses both of rapid economic growth, the opportunity to enrich people, but also the income and lives of hundreds of millions of people at risk of povertyimpoverished and unemployed. The documentary film Slums and Money has partly expressed the globalization and poverty in the process of economic integration in the world. Globalization can have a positive impact on a number of countries, but also negatively affect other countries. Many people in poor countries, especially in rural areas or in informal sectors, are almost completely isolated from the process and the benefits they receive from globalization are so small.

Globalization also reveals the downside, exacerbating fundamental problems like poverty, unemployment and inequality. Order custom essay Slums and Money: Globalization and Poverty with free plagiarism report. In addition, globalization has led to the narrowing of policy space in developing countries. One of the most obvious negative effects of globalization is the widening of the gap between rich and poor. The deeper the international integration, the more the economies face the differences in incomes among people in a country and between countries.

Since then, a new class of poor people have emerged and is rapidly increasing, changing the political environment. This trend is an important cause for increasing protectionism in the world. There are still many people on the verge of poverty and some are even worse than before. It could be countries, essay on slums, regions or groups of people in some countries or some individuals. There are many causes for their case - including conflicts, poor governance and corruption, discriminationlack of basic human needs, illness, lack of infrastructure, poor economic management and lack of motivationlack of ownership and regulation, and even geography and climate.

We can also see environmental challenges because of this rapid growth, with rivers becoming darker, the sun free of the sun and threats to health and climate. Globalization has brought about rare opportunities, but exclusion, persistent poverty and environmental damage also pose a essay on slums. The people most at risk are those who are at least beginning to participate in this process - indigenous people, women in developing countries, poor people in rural areas, Africa, and their children. The Slums and Money documentary showed why market enthusiasts such as World Bank President Robert Zoellick; the author of "The Bottom Billion" by Paul Collier; Andrew Steer of the British government; And Indermit Gill, the lead author of WDR believes that their ideal market can survive the global credit crunch.

Inessay on slums, the United Nations introduced eight Millennium Development Goals - with ambitious goals of halving poverty, combating famine and disease, and providing Basic services for the poor by These goals, as well essay on slums our goals, are located at the front door of the World Bank Building to remind us daily of what we must do when we come here to work. The main view of anti-globalizationists is that globalization makes richer countries richer and poorer ones poorer. Essay on slums say that globalization will benefit poor countries. But if we look at the actual evidence, we will find that this problem essay on slums much more complex. Although in general, the poorest essay on slums do not become poorer, no one has conclusively demonstrated that their lives are improved largely on the basis of globalization.

In China, poverty can be blamed on internal causes such as infrastructure expansion, large-scale land reform, grain price changes and loosening essay on slums for migration from rural to urban areas. Essay on slums fact, since the mids, before the boom of investment and international trade, China began to reduce poverty. Between andmore than million Chinese crossed the international poverty line. Similarly, India also reduced poverty in the s based on the Green Revolution in agriculture, government poverty reduction programs and social policies rather than reliance on a essay on slums liberalization. Definitely, globalization has also brought more jobs in the specialized manufacturing industry as well as helped many Indians and China escape from poverty.

But 25 years ago, globalization was not the dominant factor in economic development, because there was many other important factors. One can doubt the benefits of globalization to the fact that poverty is still persistent pursuers Saharan countries in Africa. In fact, globalization is hardly effective for politically unstable countries. Political instability exacerbated geographical isolation, disease, military conflict, and as a result, these countries were difficult to attract international investment. Relate to the film Slums and Money, in the first scenes is the image of the poverty of cities in the developing world is home to some of the poorest and richest on the planet.

Is the government supposed to allow cities to grow, direct the most investment there, or should they spend money in their region and rural areas? The remaining challenges we face are that billions of people are out of the process of globalization and need to be brought into the process quickly and positively. On the other hand, essay on slums, efforts should be made to improve the mechanisms and policies of governments. For essay on slums, infrastructure construction, and especially important, is to open markets in both poor and rich countries. Normally, in developing countries that favor market regulation, protectionist measures fall into contradiction: those who are well protected are essay on slums protected, while those in need protected poor people are not well protected.

Thus, everyone should have a different protective measure towards the poor. We need to put the issue on the relationship between the poverty and globalization. Globalization, essay on slums again would like to emphasize, essay on slums, never make people poorer, it only makes the issue of poverty and the gap between the rich essay on slums the poor is consciously and more fully understood. It is undeniable that globalization has indeed benefited the participating countries, especially the developing countries, when opening up opportunities for them to accelerate economic growth, poverty reduction, exchanges and prosperity.

Slums and Money discusses the implications of globalization and poverty in the world. The film shows us the reality of poverty that surrounds us in today's globalized society. And the fact is that if the regulation of the globalized market becomes strong and universal, the deliberate interventions of the state are weak, rich and poor differentiation process takes place quickly, essay on slums. This essay was written by a fellow student. You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it. Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life, essay on slums.

Slums and Money: Globalization and Poverty. Free Essays - PhDessay. com, Jul 30, Accessed January 7, comJul All Christians believe that the world essay on slums everything in it have been created by God. They believe that the world is holy, special, divine, worthy of respect and honour. The year is There are no animals. Most of the other races are literally extinct. Poverty is what makes up the countries' population. Could you imagine the world? Wal Mart and Country Wide Poverty Ever since its existence, much controversy and debate have surrounded the benefits and downfalls of the Wal Mart corporation within society, essay on slums. The purpose of. Education in Nigeria and higher education, in particular, are fundamental to the construction of a knowledge economy and worthwhile society in any nation hence, essay on slums, from a global perspective, economic, political, essay on slums.

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Hence, without help from either developers or the government, they are forced to become squatters, building for themselves on undesirable and illegal properties. He established himself as a celebrated realtor by building expensive custom homes for the rich in Long Island, New York, and now longed to build homes for the poor in the slums. He shared this dream with his family too. He is, however, dedicated to pursue his dream of seeing that his heroes are living a far better life in a revamped Dharavi, free of slum. Mehta has been the management consultant for Dharavi Redevelopment Project DRP for more than seven years to date.

It is six largest city and seventh larg est metropolitan area of India. And it is also rated as the fastest growing city in India with this much population. In this regards the states across the country have been making efforts to plan for slum free cities. The recognition of giving property rights to slum dwellers to assure them with tenure security and up grading their physical quality of life as well as increasing their social security has been a core concern. And it is India is one of the brightest countries in the world yet is disowned by western powers, America and England. The movie Slumdog Millionaire was directed and written by biased British people. They unfairly and incorrectly portrayed India to the world.

Slumdog Millionaire is not an accurate depiction of modern India; it is instead a very innovative, politically stable, and one of the wealthiest countries in the world. The movie showed police brutality in the scene where Jamal was interrogated for cheating on the game show. However, that is a rare case and does not occur in most of India. In reality India has one of the bravest police forces in the world. Contrary to the opinions of many Western people and as depicted Slumdog Millionaire, corruption has significantly reduced in the government sector. India has a stable democracy and is a global stalwart. The movie showed that the police were bribed by Prem but in modern India Womack Humanities Slumdog Millionaire The struggles in India. The movie Slumdog Millionaire is one of the most inspirational movies in recent years.

The movie takes place in Mumbai, India. Where eighteen year old Jamal Salik is a contestant on the India version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Jamal is one question away from winning the million dollars. The rest of the movie employs flashbacks to narrate the story of Jamil and his brother Salim, and Latika a girl from there slum. In the movie Jamal and Salim take totally different paths in life. These paths lead to two opposing outcomes. Jamal ends up winning the Indian version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Nevertheless, to say that Salim is a bad person who made all the wrong choices, whereas Jamal is the typical good-doer hero of the movie. To understand how they ended up in these different situations, we must first understand the experience that shaped their lives.

Salim and Jamal are both orphans who lost their mother on an anti-muslim attack in the slum where they lived. With the onset of reforms to liberalize the Indian economy in July of , a new chapter has dawned for India and her billion plus population. This period of economic transition has had a tremendous impact on the overall economic development of almost all major sectors of the economy, and its effects over the last decade can hardly be overlooked. Besides, it also marks the advent of the real integration of the Indian economy into the global economy. This, despite the fact that India has always had the potential to be on the fast track to prosperity. Now that India is in the process of restructuring her economy, with aspirations of elevating herself from her present desolate position in the world, the need to speed up her economic development is even more imperative.

And having witnessed the positive role that Foreign Direct Investment FDI has played in the rapid economic growth of most of the Southeast Asian countries and most notably China, India has embarked on an idea is prevalent in the movie Slumdog Millionaire. The movie opens on Jamal being interrogated by police who think the only way a kid from the slums could make it that far on the show is by cheating. Throughout the movie we see Jamal get asked each question and as a result of his experiences, how he arrived upon each answer. Slumdog Millionaire was took home numerous awards at the Oscars including Best Picture. There are many cross cultural psychology concepts that are prevalent in this movie. The idea of collectivism vs individualism is a constant theme throughout the movie.

Individualistic cultures are those which have many practices and customs encouraging individuals to prioritize their own individualistic goals and emphasize the ways in which they are distinct from each other as well as being self-sufficient. Collectivist cultures are ones in which interdependent goals are more emphasized people attend to close relationships and group memberships more pg. India is a country that has both individualistic and collectivistic traits. As seen in Slumdog Millionaire, Jamal very The economic reforms of the s included, significant industrial and trade liberalization, financial deregulation, improvements in supervisory and regulatory systems and policies more conducive to privatization and Foreign Direct Investment FDI Gopinath, The emergence of the software and services outsourcing industry in India is one of the most visible outcomes of globalization, stimulated by the spread of modern Information Communication and Entertainment Technologies ICETs and the restructuring of global capitalism since the s Upadhya, Consequent to these reforms phenomenon, key cities in India are in the midst of restructuring space, in terms of both use and form.

The Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization LPG policies of the government of India and opening up of FDI in real estate sector have brought a big boom in the development of large scale private townships variously known as Integrated, NRI or High-Tech townships. These kind of townships are coming up on the peripheral areas of large cities like Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, Gurgaon, Chennai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad and Bangalore occupying areas up to acres and beyond. Rapid urban growth, marked by the number of million-plus cities increasing from 23 in to 35 in , has led to the problems of urban sprawl, India The Republic of India is a country located in South Asia and the capital is New Delhi.

It is the seventh largest country in the world, slightly more than one third the size of the United States. It is also the second most populated country with over 1. India is also the second largest in the world when it comes to workforce. The original official currency of India is the Indian rupee. The Indian rupee has been falling against the US dollar, as shown in the graph below. The exchange rate between the Indian rupee and the US dollar over the past five years are: CIA This means that one US dollar is equivalent to This also means that the value of rupee is depreciating. A weaker rupee has its pros and cons. A weaker currency will make imports more expensive, the price of oil and other materials to import from foreign countries will go up. Beyond that simple process, the creation of slums involves more subtle causes of concentrated poverty and property decline.

By definition, cities and towns that have in their neighborhoods a mixture of housing types and the full price range in housing, from cheapest to most expensive, are places that do not have highly concentrated poverty, since the poor can live dispersed in fairly close proximity to the nonpoor. Also by definition, places where only the affluent reside are places that have no concentrated poverty in them; although, by excluding the poor, such places may contribute to the concentration of poverty in other locales. For concentrated poverty to occur, the non-poor must have the desire and ability to distance themselves from the poor. This desire arises from several sources. One is the search for status prestige and respectability ; the poor are often perceived as uncouth, ignorant, or disreputable, and the nonpoor gain status by disassociating themselves from the poor.

This is especially true if, as is often the case, the poor belong to a stigmatized racial or ethnic group. Historically, the institutionalized mechanisms the affluent have utilized to distance themselves from the poor, thereby relegating those with low incomes to impoverished areas, are restrictive covenants, zoning ordinances, building codes, and political control over the location of public housing projects. With these devices which control the types and size of housing units that are built, the size of the lots homes are built on, and whether or not apartments are allowed to be built those in control create sections of cities or whole towns that are simply too expensive for poor people to live in.

Beyond these forms of class exclusion, African Americans have faced racial exclusion e. This combination of restrictions forced most middle- and working-class black households to live near or in predominantly poor black areas, thereby minimizing their ability to accumulate wealth through appreciating values of their homes. Since , as successful blacks became able to obtain better housing outside old black city neighborhoods, the out-movement of the middle-and working-class—in combination with loss of jobs due to deindustrialization, plus minimal investment in poor urban areas by government and the private sector—left many areas devastated with extraordinarily high rates of poverty.

In rare instances, such as in Mt. In the s, programs aimed at increasing home ownership among blacks and replacing public housing projects with mixed income developments have reduced the extent of concentrated urban poverty. A slum is more than an area of concentrated poverty; it is an area of physical and social deterioration. Several mechanisms cause this deterioration. Older areas with less affluent residents are perceived as not profitable enough for home or business loans and insurance coverage, which prevents the repair and improvement of dwellings and buildings. Inability to obtain insurance coverage makes it difficult or unwise for businesses or home owners to remain in red-lined neighborhoods.

Absentee landlords and speculators also play a role if they are unwilling or unable to properly maintain properties and instead extract from their buildings maximum rent while investing the minimum in upkeep, until they become dilapidated or uninhabitable. Outsiders dump garbage in the neighborhood, crime increases, and most people who seek to better themselves leave the area if they are able. Free research papers are not written to satisfy your specific instructions. You can use our professional writing services to buy a custom research paper on any topic and get your high quality paper at affordable price. Research Paper Examples. Argumentative Research Paper Examples.


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