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How to start a compare contrast essay

How to start a compare contrast essay

A conclusion should not be too long. Sample Outline. Your thesis statement is much stronger if you address these questions, and a stronger thesis can lead to a stronger essay. Take a look at these two posts: The introductory paragraph should outline the topic you want to cover and provide insight into your main idea. This guide will help you understand exactly what's expected of you, and give the structure you'll need to write a high grading essay of your own.

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Learning how to write a compare and contrast essay is a rite of passage for many college students, as this essay type is one of the most common assignments in college, especially in the first year. Writing a compare and contrast essay helps students develop and improve upon skills such as critical reasoning, scientific argumentation, and organized systematic writing. The best essays of this type have a clear purpose, such as shedding light on a complex idea or clearing up misconceptions about a difficult topic. Another purpose might be illustrating how one subject is better than another or perhaps highlighting a new approach to thinking about something. The individual assignment will vary, of course, and each should come with its rubric.

Pay close attention to the rubric, since it will outline what your teacher is looking for, and make sure you understand the assignment before you begin. If you have a question about the essay assignment, do not be afraid to ask your teacher for help. The compare and contrast essay format is similar to that of other essay types. The writer must state a thesis in the introduction, argue the thesis in the body, and then form a conclusion. However, with a compare and contrast essay, the goal is to show how one subject is similar to another i.

Such an essay requires upfront planning to ensure the writer has a firm grasp on both subjects. One way to plan for a compare and contrast essay is to create a Venn diagram to show how two subjects are similar and different, such as this one. You may find that you need to create several of these diagrams before you know what your thesis is and what your two subjects are. Be open to different possibilities. The first two subjects you diagram may not be the ones you want to compare and contrast in your essay, but creating that diagram may give you some useful ideas. According to our write an essay for me service professionals, it would also be a good idea to create an outline before you begin writing. The outline is like a template that you can follow to keep your essay on track throughout the writing process, and it should include the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

The standard compare and contrast essay format how to start a compare contrast essay that the author should start a paper with a concise, to-the-point, and clear introduction. The good news is that the opening paragraph in this type of essay is not much different compared to other papers. It is a clause that introduces and outlines the general topic of the paper. When writing a comparing and contrasting essay intro, you need to ensure it has the following elements:. The number of body paragraphs can vary depending on the general word limit and the number of criteria against which you will compare contrast your subjects. But, as a rule, there should be at least paragraphs, how to start a compare contrast essay. Every paragraph should wrap around one specific criterion either a difference or similarity of the comparison, how to start a compare contrast essay.

Pro tip: Feel free to use connector phrases e. and words in your comparison to give your paper a logical flow and ensure the cohesion of all your points. When you have your intro and body ready, you can move on to shaping your compare and contrast essay conclusion. As a rule, this is the simplest part to write. A conclusion in compare and contrast essay should wrap up everything discussed throughout the paper and give it a sense of completion. When it comes to the question of how to structure a compare and contrast essay, there are a few strategies that students can stick to. Namely, the two methods of organizing your paper are called a Point-by-Point Method and Block Method. As you can easily guess, this type of structure of a compare and contrast essay implies comparing and contrasting the subjects point by point.

This method works best when you are planning to compare 2 or more subjects that are more or less similar or, on the contrary, different. To help you grasp the idea, here is how a typical body paragraph should look if you use the Point-by-Point Method:. As you can see, using this method of organization, you will be reviewing all subjects by certain points within the same body paragraph, not dividing them. The key thing to remember is that all points within one paragraph should relate to each other, and there should be one general idea per paragraph.

Unlike the Point-by-Point Method that organizes a compare and contrast essay based on specific criteria of comparison, how to start a compare contrast essay, the Block compare and contrast essay structure implies organizing the paper based on your items. This approach will work best when the subjects of comparison are absolutely different and you have multiple criteria against which you will be contrasting them. In this case, every paragraph in the essay body will focus on a specific item. Here is how the body of your paper should look like if you choose this comparing and contrasting essay format:. As you can see, each body paragraph investigates a single item, spanning all the criteria that make it different from other items. If you pick this method, the main rule to stick to is to only mention one item per paragraph and always use connectors to ensure smooth transitions from one item to another.

End your introduction with a thesis sentence, how to start a compare contrast essay. It will allow readers to grasp your opinion of the compared subject matters, and it will logically draw their attention to the main idea. In the thesis, provide one idea or a statement that unites both subject matters. Even if you how to start a compare contrast essay discovered more differences than similarities between your subject matters, you should be able to find at least one element that they have in common and include it as part of your main idea.

In the body, present how to start a compare contrast essay much support for your thesis as you can. Support can come in the form of statistics, research results, interviews, or other sources. Some writers prefer to mention the evidential base in the thesis, but others prefer to wait until the body of the essay. Draw a conclusion at the end of your essay based on the similarities and differences you have presented throughout the paper. The conclusion should not introduce any new ideas but should bring closure to the paper. The core thing to remember when choosing compare and contrast topics is that the subjects you will compare must be different. But, at the same time have some common features. For example, you may compare Democrats and Republicans, Extroverts and Introverts, etc.

If you are wondering how to start a compare and contrast essay, the answer is simple - with some brainstorming. Once you define the subjects, the next thing you need to do is to brainstorm what similarities and differences they have. To get things right, look at your two subjects separately and analyze them. Then, make two lists, one for similar points and the other one for differences, where you will be writing down all points that come into your mind. Pro tip: If you are wondering how to compare and contrast your subjects, making lists is definitely helpful. To start a compare and how to start a compare contrast essay essay, you will need to write a solid introduction that transitions into a clear and specific thesis sentence.

The introductory paragraph should outline the topic you want to cover and provide insight into your main idea. It should mention what matters—the people, ideas, events, or other subjects you are going to compare and contrast in the body of your essay. How to start a compare contrast essay the introduction, include the necessary background information. Your introduction should be brief, but exhaustive. Before stating your thesis, you should provide a preview of your supporting arguments and positions, as your reader needs to understand why your subject matter is worth comparing and contrasting. Pay attention to the structure of your essay, and make sure it is balanced. For instance, if the whole essay will be three pages long, you should not spend two of them on the introduction.

The thesis statement is one of the key elements of contrast and compare paper. Its purpose is to introduce the topic and formulate a focused argument. How to start a compare contrast essay create a powerful compare and contrast thesis, how to start a compare contrast essay, replace a vague, general topic for instance, the comparison of democracy and republic ideologies with something more specific and detailed. Note how this sample compare and contrast thesis statement gives you the scope for showing both similarities and differences inherent in the ideas of these two parties. To answer these questions, be sure to add some background info concerning your topic. For example, stress that Democrats and Republicans are the two largest opposing parties.

In fact, there are a couple of ways to organize your work:. Choose any of these methods. The two things that remain unchanged are the introduction with a thesis statement and a conclusion, which have to be included regardless of the chosen structure. Start a compare and contrast paragraph with a clear but concise topic sentence that defines one point of comparison e. against which you will compare your subjects. Then say a couple of words about each of your subjects concerning the chosen point. And, finally, highlight similarities or differences using compare and contrast words, how to start a compare contrast essay. Use the same tactic for the following body paragraphs.

Remember to focus on a single point of comparison in every paragraph to retain the integrity and logical flow of your paper and, at the same time, unfold your subjects to the fullest extent. To make proofreading simple, make use of these tips:. Below is a list of potential compare and contrast essay topics for college papers. This example compare and contrast essay clarifies two positions on energy drinks. Notice that it does so by comparing and contrasting energy drinks with other types of caffeinated beverages. If you need more examples, you can order essay samples from our service. Energy drinks in aluminum cans are relatively new for humankind, but stimulating substances were used centuries before aluminum cans were invented.

Today, energy drinks seem to be a panacea for students during exams, white collar employees during deadline periods, night clubbers dancing all night long, athletes heading toward a record, drivers, and basically, everyone who is dog-tired and must stay awake and work hard. You drink a can, and then you are ready to go for several hours afterward. The producers of energy drinks say that the stimulation effect of their products is ultimately healthy, so they carry on producing new energy drinks all the time. If these drinks were so safe, why would legislators be going after them? How to start a compare contrast essay drinks: mind boosters or soft drugs?

Let us get this all straightened out. What conclusion can be drawn from these pros and cons? Obviously, there is nothing healthy about energy drinks. Their contents do not differ much from everyday tea, coffee, and cocoa. Moreover, they exhaust the energy reserves of our bodies. When the stimulating effect is over in three or four hours, a person goes for another can, turning into an energy drink addict, losing the ability to restore energy in a natural way.

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When it comes to compare and contrast essays, you can choose between the block method and point by point method. This section will introduce the reader into the two subjects and the thesis statement. Asking a question also works. Wrap up the introduction with a concise thesis statement. Ideally, the thesis statement should be an overview of the essay. Once you have the introduction, it will be easy to proceed. If you find the assignment overwhelming, you can hire XpertWriters. com for help. Your email address will not be published. Skip to content. Why Is It Hard? Step 1: Organization Before you start writing the paper, you need to have a plan.

Brainstorming Take the instructions your professor gave you. Preliminary Research How do these subjects compare? Are there any opposing opinions? The Outline How long should this essay be? The block method is useful for shorter essays. With this approach, you write all information about the first subject in the first half of the paper. Then, you write all information about the second subject in the second block of the paper. This method gives you an essay that looks more like a summary. The point by point method is more complex, but more effective as well.

Here, you compare the two subjects point by point. With this, you make it easy for the reader to understand the similarities and differences between the two subjects. How Do You Start a Compare and Contrast Essay? With an Introduction! You can start by introducing an interesting fact about each of your subjects. While researching, search for uncommon knowledge so that your readers will want to read your compare-and-contrast essay with greater interest. In your conclusion, you need to wrap up the text that you have written with a clear summary of your paper that emphasizes the main ideas. A conclusion should not be too long. When you write it, you can repeat something from the introduction.

However, it should not be repetitive and it should bring a new perspective on what you have initially discussed in your introduction. Other than the introduction, your conclusion is the most important part of your paper. After you have finished writing your paper, check for spelling and grammatical errors. You should also check to make sure that your paper flows nicely and that there are no awkward transitions or topics that come out of the blue. Be sure to also check the style and the format of your essay since the text should be written in one style and format. Do not forget to organize your citations and references, in the end, to ensure that you have done your title page and other sections according to the academic standards that your professor or teacher expects you to follow.

This way, you can review it with a clearer head than if you are rushing to meet a deadline at the last second. These helpful hints and pieces of advice can help you to write a good compare and contrast essay at the college level. Comparative and contrast essays are often assigned to teach students how to think critically. Students learn to analyze information on two different subjects, allowing them to synthesize information and to present an evidence-based argument. By utilizing the tips, tricks, and hacks for writing compare and contrast essays in this article, you are sure to have a much easier time writing your compare and contrast essay.

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Quick Navigation. Steps In Writing A Compare And Contrast Essay Choose the topic of your text Think of the structure of your text A Compare and contrast essay introduction Be creative Add some facts or humor The body paragraphs Conclusion Proofreading Final organization The final review. Get topics. Get your essay written by a professionals Order Now. Was this article helpful? Yes �� No ��. Thanks for your feedback! Hire Writer. Difference Between Research Paper and Essay Essay Writing Guides 10 likes.

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