People migrate to neighboring country to escape political upheaval or military conflicts on their own soil. Next Post Next Speech on illiteracy. Ultimately, essay on over population, gaining an understanding of the many effects of overpopulation and the lack of suitable solutions elevated my concern about how the world will deal with this crisis in the future. An immediate aftereffect of this has expanded life expectancy and the development of the populace. Why not get a unique paper done for you? Related Topics Society Essays Cultural Relativism Essays Social Media Essays Dialogue Essays Media Violence Essays.
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Forget the all-nighters and find some writing inspiration with our free essay samples on any topic. It's time for you to nail your grades! One of the most significant environmental issues facing the world today is overpopulation. According to the Population Reference Bureau, the exact definition of overpopulation is debatable, but it generally refers to a situation in which there are too many people in a single location to be supported by the available resources. As of Junethe world population stands at about 7. There is essay on over population birth every 8 seconds and one death every 12 seconds, which means that there is currently a net gain of one person every 13 seconds.
The most populous countries in the world are China, which has about 1. Overpopulation is contributing to a wide range of essay on over population. When there are more people living on the planet, they all need to meet the three basic needs: a place to live, water to drink, and food to eat. This has led to habitat destruction for both housing and food production purposes, as well as the depletion of freshwater resources. In addition, as more people seek a higher standard of living, they have increased their consumption of natural resources.
In particular, the rise in population has led to an expansion in the use of fossil fuels for energy, leading to an essay on over population in carbon emissions that contribute to climate change. Having more people on the planet has also led essay on over population more pollution of the air, water, and soil De Sherbinin et al. It is important to note that overpopulation is more of an issue in some countries than in others. Specifically, China and India have experience enormous population growth, so issues like air pollution are worse in those countries Maynard. However, other population-related problems, essay on over population, like climate change, will affect all countries, regardless of their individual population sizes.
Therefore, overpopulation poses a threat to everyone on the planet, essay on over population. Need A Unique Essay on "Overpopulation Essay"? Finding an appropriate solution to the problem of overpopulation poses a major challenge. In the past, citizens and governments have proposed solutions like eugenics and caps on the number of children a family may have. However, these solutions pose significant ethical issues and have unintended consequences. For instance, the one-child policy in China had a wide range of unintended consequences, essay on over population, including infanticide of females and unbalanced sex ratios Ebenstein, Because I believe that placing limits on procreation is not a practical or ethical solution, I propose that the best way to deal with overpopulation is to adopt more sustainable lifestyle and resource use practices, so that the world can support a larger number of people.
Currently, there are local, regional, and national legal mandates that help promote sustainability, essay on over population, but I believe that there needs to be a worldwide mandate on issues related to overpopulation that includes an enforcement mechanisms. Specifically, I propose that leaders from every country come together to set caps on carbon emission, pollution creation, water usage, and habitat destruction. If countries violate the terms of the agreement, they will be forced to pay a penalty, which can be used to fund sustainable development efforts. This solution will inevitably face political problems, as many countries will probably be reluctant to give up their sovereignty and submit to a sustainability mandate. Indeed, it was already extremely difficult to convince most of the countries in the world to join the Paris Climate Agreement, and its standards are entirely voluntary.
Nevertheless, the United States pulled out of the agreement Domonoske,which suggests that an even broader, stricter mandate designed to address multiple overpopulation issues would have a hard time winning political favor from powerful leaders, essay on over population. A worldwide policy could also receive pushback from citizens in developed countries who do not want to alter their current lifestyle, as well as citizens in developing countries who may be unhappy about having to comply with strict standards to deal with environmental problems that have been caused by wealthy countries. Finally, it will be difficult to institute an enforcement mechanism that is effective, while also avoiding serious conflict between countries.
Originally, I selected the issue of overpopulation because it seems like the most significant environmental issues in the world today. It impacts a broad range of other environmental issues, like climate change and pollution, so solving the problem of overpopulation would automatically bring the world closer to solving these problems as well, essay on over population. The main issue that I encountered in my research was coming up with a feasible solution for the issue of overpopulation. Based on the sources I found, limiting family size is fraught with problems, but implementing a truly effective sustainability policy to increase the carrying capacity of the planet poses major political challenges.
There are so many environmental issues related to overpopulation that proposing a single, comprehensive solution was difficult, and I am still uncertain essay on over population the practicality of my proposal. Over the course of this project, I learned more about the severity of the problem of overpopulation. In particular, I found the world population clock statistics to be very enlightening. Ultimately, gaining an understanding of the many effects of overpopulation and the lack of suitable solutions elevated my concern about how the world will deal with this crisis in the future.
Why not get a unique paper done for you? Use code: CUSTOM Skip to content Forget the all-nighters and find some writing inspiration with our free essay samples on any topic, essay on over population. Search for:. Order Now. Do My Essay Use code: CUSTOM20 Code copied! Use it at checkout.
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Both developed and developing countries are at risk of the dangerous problems that overpopulation can and will create. One is the birth rate, or the number or people being born, and the other is death rate, or the number who die. If the number of deaths is less than the number of births then the population is growing larger; consequently, if the number of deaths is greater than the number of births then the population is decreasing Stefoff A major factor that is sometimes overlooked is the idea that rapid growth will occur due to the larger size of the new reproductive generation in comparison with the much less past reproductive generations.
This means that in the next twenty-five years about 3 billion people will begin the reproductive phase of their lives; while only approximately 1. Uncontrolled, immature reproduction is a leading cause of overcrowding. Diseases and medical advances that cause a decrease in deaths are also aspects that affect population. Education, economic activity, and changes in standards of living all play a part in the increase of population Commoner. Different concepts and appearances in our surroundings trick people into thinking that any problems with overpopulation are non-existent. Nations are separated into two categories: those with fast population increases, and those with slower population increases Ehrlich The world has enough wealth to make it appear that there are no population issues, but the wealth does not do any good because of its uneven distribution.
The less fortunate nations have a greater birth rate because of poverty Commoner. Poverty stricken nations will double in human count in twenty years if they continue at their present rate. One hundred twenty years is the doubling time for more prosperous nations. This happens because of social and economic differences between the two; such as, human misery, diseases, and standards of living Ehrlich I would now like to introduce the Malthusian theories. Thomas Robert Malthus was one of the first to study population Stefoff This theory is obviously logical simply because without food everyone will become malnutritioned and eventually starve to death.
Now that is becoming a more serious issue people are slowly gaining awareness thanks to media such as news coverage Ehrlich Malnutrition is a problem in all parts of the world. Each year million humans in underdeveloped countries die of starvation or illnesses related to it. Lack of nutrition can cause sicknesses such as anemia, rickets, pellagra as well. Poor immunity is also an outcome that puts people in danger of catching things like influenza, tetanus, measles, and tuberculosis Stefoff Many different circumstances and situation account for the rise and fall of population numbers. Along with rapid population growth come dangerous environmental problems.
Population growth has contributed to every threat to our ecosystem. Overpopulation is the root of environmental deteriorations such as: global warming, the ozone holes, rainforest destruction, pollution, and many more. Human actives, including respiration, release these gases causing the Earth to heat slowly Stefoff Forests are being cut down quicker than they can reproduce themselves due to human need for more space. Deforestation presents other problems, such as the death of species. Edward Wilson, a biologist, believes that each year 10,, species of plants, bird, insects, reptiles, and mammals become instinct Stefoff Don't know where to start? Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert.
Plagiarism checker Do the check. Writing Help Ask for help. Paraphrasing Tool Paraphrase my essay. Essay examples. Essay topics. Overpopulation and Climate Change In the article Overpopulation and Climate Change Arthur H. Overpopulation Effects on Health and the Environment Overpopulation effects all other aspects of our health and the environment in which we live. How Big of a Problem is Overpopulation? Overpopulation in Asia: Manila Manila is the thriving capital of the Republic of the Philippines. Overpopulation Hoax or True Concern As a society, we live our lives day by day worrying about small things that might not matter focusing on wanting more and more as the days go by.
Overpopulation and its Effects on Human Approximately years ago, the total population of the Earth was less than one billion. Overpopulation — Global Issue Overpopulation is becoming a global issue because over the years we have created more lives than resources. Overpopulation: not what you Think Overpopulation, a word plastered on every headline and sowed into our very vocabulary. The United States: Future Contributions to Overpopulation The Earth currently holds 7. Overpopulation in World The world today has a total population of 7. Overpopulation in US Prisons: a Result of Punishing Nonviolent Offenders Releasing prisoners is never a good thing, right?
World Population Growth The human population in the world has been growing a an extremely fast rate, but with a growing rate of population, comes with it a potentially fatal problem: overpopulation. It has to a Boy: Another Dimension of over Population First of all, we would like to thank our Allah Almighty who made us capable to put our efforts in the project. Related topics Human Natural Environment Social Issues Policy Water Sustainability Acid Rain Agriculture Birth Control Crime Criminal Justice Deforestation. Social Problems Overcrowding of humans on the planet can have some serious social problem to demonstrate some they are: Fertility rates The fertility rate among many nations is decreasing the reason being women end up aborting the babies at a very young age and in a later part of their life it becomes difficult to become pregnant.
Women Rights One of the main suffering areas is when women are not treated well in society as compared to a man. Poverty Overpopulation is directly linked to poverty which is another very big social issue. Now the question arises how will the status of women affect the overpopulation concern? Positive social aspects Education Education plays a very important role in society dealing with the overpopulation problem. Environmental Problems The relationship between a growing population and environmental implications is interlinked and very complex. Global warming As there are more people there is a high demand for fossil fuels, oil, mines, and coal when burned there is high emission of CO2 in the atmosphere to trap warm air like greenhouse gases.
Farming impacts Agriculture is solely responsible for deforestation across the globe. Water pollution Water pollution is not only a huge concern for humans but also for other natural habitat. Environmental solution Sustainable Infrastructure In order to lessen the emission of CO2 from buildings, it is important to renovate the old buildings. Economic Implications When there is an increasing rise in the population then it is definitely not good for economic development. Reduction in the rate of capital A huge population reduces the per capita availability of capital in underdeveloped and developing countries.
Reduction in unemployment Unemployment results in too many people having very few jobs. Recommendations The government must increase the age of marriage in some specific countries and should put a complete stop to child marriage. Population factor has a significant impact on the attainment of development objectives, international strategies should be taken into consideration as there is an interrelation between the resources, environment, population, and growth. Health improvement programs should be taken up by the government for the masses as health plays an important role in the growth of a country. how it works. Tell Us Your Requirements Specify your topic, deadline, number of pages and other requirements. Pick your perfect writer Chat with professional writers to choose the paper writer that suits you best.
Get Your Paper and Pay Pay the writer only for a finished, plagiarism-free essay that meets all your requirements. GET WRITING HELP. short deadlines. Certified writers. What causes Overpopulation Overpopulation is as a result of various reasons. Negative Effects of Overpopulation Exhaustion of natural resources. It causes pollution. Overpopulation causes a high rate of pollution. Environmental degradation, this is as a result of depletion of natural resources. Overpopulation causes lower life expectancy among the people. Conclusion Overpopulation is one of the crises that are affecting many continents in the world aside from climate change. By Maureen Related. Previous Post Previous Essay on Computers and Its Importance in our daily life.
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